To All Glasgow(scotland) Thrash Fans And Urgent Call

mr sexual

May 8, 2003
dumbarton -scotland
alright alright

so if ur lookin here then u OBVIOUSLY from glasgow or around there, other wise WHAT THE FUCK U DOIN IN HERE YOU ARE NO HELP TO ME!!!

so aye anyway this sunday there shall be a sorta benifit gig in glasgow strawberry fields(oswald street) and new local thrash band KUNT shall be playin at it, and i know sunday is pish for gigs but its only £2 in and seriously ud be helpin soooo much, we bassicly need to raise as much money for a local studio(dead beat in dumbarton) which jig(guitaist from kunt) owns and he is rapidly in need of money to repair the studio goin and keep great bands like Mendeed, Kunt,Silver Lining Smash etc etc on the go and not just fadin away cos there f*ck all else were to jam down here. so yeah its only 2 quid in and u can get tickets from me or pay at the door,

doors are at 7.30 and as always there shall be special offers on selected beer for £1.50. all door money will go towards deadbeat and the work to be done on it, there will be about 5 bands playin and as i said its only £2 ffs what else u goinae do on a sunday night?

please help us if u can


davi-kunt bassist
I lived up the road from that studio, I always used to see the little nu-metal kids going in and out of it. Never knew it had anything to do with thrash. I can't go cos I'll be working but good luck with it hope you earn enough to keep it open. WULLIEF should be ther, he's from Glasgow. :kickass: <- Nice smiley that!
BTW isn't KUNT just a bit stupid? How the fuck is the band going to get publicity with a name like that for fuck sake? I can't see the Lennox Herald doing a feature on them!
fuck the lenox herald man they refused to put us in it when we were called MINYON, so they can piss right aff.

and the whole thrash thing, wellthe guy who owns it (jig) is like the biggest thrash metal fan ever. the studio isnt just for nu metal bands infact no nu metal bands jam in there, u got mendeed(metalcore),silver lining smash(hard rock), bigfoot(grove rock), jaded(hard rock) , dirt(grunge), mutley(hardcore punk). and theres lots more but not any nu metal bands.

we raised not enough anyway even though it was packed, so wer planin a gig in the glasgow garage which will be


and itl be pay on the door . not sure when cos we still gotta arrange it and shit.

but man if ur ever in the 7th note in savoy centre then our cd should be in there soon, should only be a few quid, or even better come and see us on 1st september with pathogen in stereo in the west end!
I think ive missed the sunday one, was fucked after doing two highland games in two days. sorry about that gents. but i will be up for the next gig at the garage one of my mates is in the strand.
its still in very early stages of arangin it

but hopfully itl happen

btw jim from the strand is also in KUNT and wer playin with

pathogen(recently signed to brutalised records)
man must die( no1 in world death metal charts on

on 1st september in stereo(ex west 13) only 3 quid in....u should allllll be there :p