Directions To Servants mix. Crit please!


New Metal Member
May 23, 2015
Hey guys, im still relatively new here. But I'd like to present a very rough mix I did of Villains/Yüth song "Directions to Servants" I found the overheads, shells, and guitar online, I however tracked the bass myself. The song itself isn't done being edited. But I noticed my mix is lacking punch and clarity, and this is my first TRUE mixing project. So please be as honest as you can. I'm only here to learn. To Servants v1.mp3?dl=0

For guitar I'm using Bias with LeCab, and same goes for bass. Once again, be real with me! Just don't be ruthless.
Man you have a probleme with your drum, it is not in rhythm :/

Yea, the shells I found have a lot of out of place hits, though I think the source I found said something about a tempo mapping, but I couldn't find it. I'm almost to the point I might just make my own. But outside of that, anything else standing out to you?