Dirty pics in the bright sun!


Aug 30, 2001
So yesterday it was really nice and warm outside. I've been wanting to go to the industrial part of Seattle to take pics of the nastiness for quite a while now, and yesterday was perfect. So me and my buddy Craig went out for an adventure. The following pictures are kind of what I'd had in mind, but not exactly, so I don't think I'm finished with this project yet. There are a lot of other areas I want to check out as well. Also, I envisioned these pics being black and white, so that's how the first few are. I decided after those ones that I didn't like the B&W as much as I thought I would, so the rest are in color. I'm not 100% happy with any of these pics, so I imagine some day I'll take more. We'll see, but for now, enjoy :)

This is a hole in the fence that we crawled through. On the other side were jagged rocks and a nasty inlet of the Duwamish "river" that I tried really hard to stay away from haha.

This is just the moon hanging out and watching.

Back outside of the nasty inlet.

Yay color. The machine on the other side of the wall was lifting up huge chunks of shattered cars and dropping it on a big huge conveyer belt. Wish I could have gotten better pics of this.

Trash is right.

This is at a place that all the punk kids supposedly call "Anarchy Point." It's actually a park strategically placed in the middle of this shit-land. Go figure.. the park itself is just as shitty as the rest of the area. You can see on the left at the bottom of the tree a little yellow park bench. That's where you get your great view (it sucked so bad I didn't even photo it).




Funny to see green around here.


Craig decided to try and make it prettier with a rock stack.



Craig's masterpiece included the rock stack, a Heinekin stand (whatever all that stuff is) and a ceramic tile path connecting both of them.


This thing was sticking out of the ledge of earth before the drop off to the beach. Maybe this is "anarchy POINT" haha.

I guess not everything looks totally disgusting out here.

This reminds me of those Nokia commercials or whatever with the 5 bars of service.

Craig's frontyard.


We burned one underneath this bridge in West Seattle that overlooks downtown.

Coke nose.


The end. Yesterday was gorgeous outside and I think we made the most of it. Today it's raining. Way lame.

"You make gross things pretty!"

^someone actually said that to me after i'd read some prose in some class in high school (found the piece the other day and might post it here for shits and giggles) and it seemed applicable for this situation instead of just stupid.
kevin, are you thinking of juxtaposing the pictures of the flowers with the pics of all the waste and stuff or anything like that? it's cool enough just how the colors of the flowers pop out at you after all the colorlessness...

wow Kev..I love it. LOVE IT
you have some really great shots here.... some that I would love to use one day for some graphic design work if that's ok :)
You take awesome photos!!
Totally. Just let me know. And thanks :)

kevin, are you thinking of juxtaposing the pictures of the flowers with the pics of all the waste and stuff or anything like that? it's cool enough just how the colors of the flowers pop out at you after all the colorlessness...
I hadn't thought of that, but it's a good idea! It just felt good to take a picture of something that was actually appealing at the end of the day haha.
Do you always use that? It's just that your pictures are usually immensely clear. Do you edit them in any way?

It's mainly because I like taking pictures, but my camera, while fine, never gets anything excellent.

Nice pictures, btw.
Sometimes I adjust the levels and/or color balance in Photoshop on the photos that need it, and sometimes I crop them if I don't like the way they're situated. Other than that though, they're pretty much straight off the camera. My friend Paul actually had this very same camera before me and he's a really great photographer. I got to try his out a bunch and I loved it, so I bought my own. He's since gotten a new compact camera and gave me his lenses and filters and stuff to use on mine now.
I'm actually thinking of getting the newer version of that camera you have, Kevin. :D
Do you always use that? It's just that your pictures are usually immensely clear. Do you edit them in any way?

It's mainly because I like taking pictures, but my camera, while fine, never gets anything excellent.

Nice pictures, btw.
I just noticed I didn't really answer your questions haha. Yeah, it's the only camera I have. I never edit them in a way I wouldn't be able to edit them in a darkroom. I believe that you don't need a super nice camera to take good pics. Hell, you don't even need a good one. The best way for me to get the pics that I like is to imagine what I want the photo to look like before I push the button. And it ALWAYS works out that my favorite pics are usually the ones I'm least impressed with on the viewfinder after I take them.

And, this is most likely common knowledge for anyone that owns a camera, but I'm still surprised at how many people don't know this when I tell them about it. Most nowadays point and shoot digital cameras have an auto-focus feature on the trigger. All you do is hold the trigger halfway down while watching the viewfinder, wait for the focus to set and then push it the rest of the way down to take the picture, perfectly focused (hopefully).
I'm actually thinking of getting the newer version of that camera you have, Kevin. :D
Dooo iiiiiit! I bet it's awesome as shit. Mine was discontinued like 2 years ago haha. I got mine old cheap and lonely on eBay haha.
I just noticed I didn't really answer your questions haha. Yeah, it's the only camera I have. I never edit them in a way I wouldn't be able to edit them in a darkroom. I believe that you don't need a super nice camera to take good pics. Hell, you don't even need a good one. The best way for me to get the pics that I like is to imagine what I want the photo to look like before I push the button. And it ALWAYS works out that my favorite pics are usually the ones I'm least impressed with on the viewfinder after I take them.

And, this is most likely common knowledge for anyone that owns a camera, but I'm still surprised at how many people don't know this when I tell them about it. Most nowadays point and shoot digital cameras have an auto-focus feature on the trigger. All you do is hold the trigger halfway down while watching the viewfinder, wait for the focus to set and then push it the rest of the way down to take the picture, perfectly focused (hopefully).

Thanks. Maybe mine is ok, it's £150 worth ($300?). It's 7MP, I think and I picked it up in Italy. It took some great pictures of Rome, but I felt like I wanted more. A guy I met in Budapest let me use his Panasonic 35mm for a few days and it blew me away, but I just can't remember the model.