The first time I ever heard motw I didn't know what to expect. I was at Berklee, in Boylston, and a friend of mine recommended me Motw during a long theoretical discussion about King Crimson. At the time I was obsessed King Crimson, and Robert Fripp. I went out and purcahsed "Bath" The first song floored me, and the second death metalish song wone me over. The entire album in my eyes is perfect. My favorite track being "The Ferryman", the organ intro, to the female vox, to the dynamics...ugh. Dynamics are everything is music, and after hearing Birth Pains, and Balisets guitar solo on that (which was seemingly perfect phrasing and note selection btw) They had become next to Opeth and Crimson, my favorite band. I love Balisets riffs, and his soling style is so unique and that he plays all the odd notes of the scale, and tonalities that arent cliche or "normal". The acoustic stuff is ace, the chords and voice leading is ace. Motw was THE MODERN ART ROCK band I have been searching for so long. THEY ARE THE King Crimson of this generation, hands down. I hope one day I'll share the stage with you guys, for what my band does, is similar, but in a heavier more bombastic fashion. We are all former Berklee jazz students, who share a love of King Crimson, death/black metal, and Coltraine. Motw, opened the doors for me and showed me that you can make REAL music, you can play the avant garde sound, and develop a following. The more I listen to the music, the more I connect with it both mentally, and spiritually. Thanks, I needed to get that out for a long time