guitar deity
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
Dynamics are everything is music, and after hearing Birth Pains, and Balisets guitar solo on that (which was seemingly perfect phrasing and note selection btw) I love Balisets riffs, and his soling style is so unique and that he plays all the odd notes of the scale, and tonalities that arent cliche or "normal".
ok all kidding about bribes aside, i really am awestruck at the comments that you guys have been making the past couple days regarding my solos. I mean i don't usually hear much feedback about them in reviews and such and i am happy with what i do. But it really makes me feel good to see that the small part of maudlin's music that i contribute to actually has some sort of effect on you. i really worked my ass off on a bunch of those solos and i am very proud of them. And to see comments like that being made about my playing is such an amazing feeling of accomplishment. So I just want to say a big thanks for the support!
Ok my serious speech is done. Back to being self-deprecating!
Here's a quote from our engineer Jim Fogarty after i finished the first section of my solo for the Antique from the new album.
"Ok that was good Greg, so now are you going to play something thats actually in the key of the song?"