Discussion on Virtual Instruments


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
I thought it would be interesting to get thoughts from folks on the board about virtual instruments and how they apply them or use them. In the past few years libraries have increased in quality in leaps and bounds from what they originally offered. Now you can hear them anywhere from a record using totally replaced drums, to television shows using an orchestra sample library. I’m curious as to how others see or approach these libraries. Either as composition tools, total replace tools, or just something to mess around with and practice mixing. And we all know that libraries only sound as good as you program them, or know their limitations and how to work around them.

I mainly use Drumkit From Hell Superior (the original one), and some East West Orchestra stuff. This is because I really can’t play drums and obviously I don’t have the funds to pay an orchestra to perform my stuff. And I also use East West stuff as a way to hear if what I’m writing sounds good and as a way to get as best a representation of what I want. I’m still looking to upgrade a bit on the orchestra front, but its hard to pick with so many options out there.

Also, I think it would be interesting for the current crop of sampled guitars to get into the hands of keyboardists in Prog bands. Since a lot just have one guitarist and maybe the keyboardist could take up the rhythm at points or double harmonies.
. . . and then there is music outside of rock/metal/band in which virtual instruments shine, along with their hardware counterparts. (Thats not to say they don't sound good in rock/metal/band)
I use virtual instruments in every project.

There are those that say: "Virtual instruments will never sound as good as the real thing". But, my opinion has always been, sound is sound, who gives a fuck what you use. All that matters is what you can do with the sound you create.

Jeeeah. :D
Virtual Instruments have opened up the world for lonely musicians! Think of all the cool music that we wouldn't been hearing on this forum if it werent for DFH and others.

Long live the virtual instruments!

Drumkit From Hell has allowed countless numbers of us to not have to scour out local scene to see if a drummer can play a straight blast beat.
I use virtual instruments in every project.

There are those that say: "Virtual instruments will never sound as good as the real thing". But, my opinion has always been, sound is sound, who gives a fuck what you use. All that matters is what you can do with the sound you create.

Jeeeah. :D

I think when a virtual library is programmed well, you really can't tell if it isn't the real thing or not. It just takes a lot of patience to make them shine.
Drumkit From Hell has allowed countless numbers of us to not have to scour out local scene to see if a drummer can play a straight blast beat.


I think when a virtual library is programmed well, you really can't tell if it isn't the real thing or not. It just takes a lot of patience to make them shine.

And +1.

And I don't care... I still use and love DFH damnit! :kickass: