Disgorge - Parallels of Infinite Torture


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Disgorge – Parallels of Infinite Torture
Crash Music Inc. – CMU 61141 – May 17th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Brutal death metal is a subgenre that I’ve acquired a taste for recently, and spinning the latest albums of Human Mincer, Kataplexia, and now Disgorge has only helped to nurture my newfound affinity. And Parallels of Infinite Torture is, simply put, the pinnacle of brutal death, and easily fends off opponents in a year that’s filled to the brim with stout releases.

The fade-in to “Revealed in Obscurity” is how a climactic buildup should be done. There’s been talk of Disgorge possessing the ability to crush testicles with Parallels of Infinite Torture and – while my testicles are intact – they tremble with each repeated listen of the Californians. Of course, Fuselier’s vox can’t be deciphered whatsoever and are of the deep, gut-infested variety. The players, as it goes with the territory, are all gifted in their specific crafts, as compositions like “Abhorrent Desecration of Thee Iniquity” will attest to. Listen in awe as the five-piece make subtle, rhythmical changes that alter the course of the piece entirely. The only substantial hang-up I have with Parallels of Infinite Torture is a weakness which plagues the brutal death metal subgenre as a whole: after a while, the songs just seem to blend together. But, citing the previous declaration, I always know what I’m getting into beforehand; brutal death doesn’t leave much room for experimentation. However, listening to numbers such as “Condemned to Sufferance,” “Parallels of Infinite Torture,” and “Asphyxiation of Thee Oppressed” remains a highly enjoyable affair.

The predominant buzz about Disgorge – in addition to their latest work – is overwhelmingly right. Parallels of Infinite Torture is arguably the epitome of excellent, brutal death metal for this year alone, and maybe even the past few years. I’d suggest exchanging some hard-earned cash for this bone crushing record, which is ways away from being vapid, trite, or any mixture of the two.


Official Disgorge Website
Official Crash Music Inc. Website
Kind of a relief to hear an album with NO melody, NO clean vocals, NO breakdowns, NO keyboards. Just the crushing roar of pure bestiality! :headbang: