"Disintegrate". Tech/Death metal (Metal Foundry, pod, BOOOM)


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
sup sup. first time (awwwww....) messing with metal foundry SDX. diggin it! kicks are total shite but everything else is solid. the room is the biggest improvement i think, i love the sound of the room they recorded this stuff in. noice. so the clip has a little of everything in it, including cheesy ass leads! haha. i think its my best mix so far!

any chance on a pod patch it sounds pretty sweet. whats your processing on bass and guitar?

I also agree that the kick needs more punch to it. cymbals are also just a little to high for my liking in parts.

really cool song though.:headbang:
Hey thanks for listening! I thought the kik had enough low end! Lol. Any more and my headphones might explodez! Might just because the bass is pretty loud, though. Cymbals are loud? They just shimmer nicely so my ear just loves that so I'm sure I bumped em up cuz of that. I'll mess with it when I get home from work! Its too early and I'm not even awake yet!
I'll try to get the pod patch. I don't use the line6 edit, the last version I installed didn't work for me [osx]. The post processing was simple, high pass, wide 1.5db dip around 3.5k. 3db of limiting. That's it. The dip smoothes out some of that digital presence. I'l get the new line6 edit and see if that works, when I get home from work.
Nope. Line6 edit doesn't work. Anyone else have this issue with their x3 live? It has a mind of its own, changes settings randomly and stuff. Anyways, big bottom model, v30 cab, 421 mic. Drive 50, Bass 90, mid 90, treble 30, presence 57. Screamer for boost, 0 drive, level 77. Emg 707 pickups btw. And a .50 gauge for the low Bb.

Edit: I checked the patch and I also added the eq. 2db boost at 550 and a 1db boost at 3.1k. And the comp is on, threshhold at 0, but it helps.