DISSECTION working on a pre-production

Ivan the terrible said:
This is definitely one of my main concerns. I am afraid that this will be "too" overly produced...

What are you talking about?? Overly produced? In my opinion THE ABYSS STUDIO gave a lot of metal bands an unique sound which is a lot better than listening to a cd that sounds like it's recorded in garbage can.

Correct me if I'm wrong....
anybody heard the new single Maha kali ?
i have..and it sucks !
it sounds like in flames goes blackmetal or something..with female vocals.
Legion, my man....
Or anyone elese who saw this show for that matter...
you should post a set list of this gig, dudes.
I know it's been some time since the show but I'm sure someone remembers most of the stuff they played.
The olld albums ruled (the Somberlain,Storm of the lights bane), It was very influencial music. What i have heard of the new material, i did'nt like the style at all.
This just means they'll never touch the old stuff anymore.

They are playing one last concert thousands of miles from me that is basically a funeral for the old stuff. They'll never escape its shadow.
I am not sure what I expected, but the new stuff I've heard isn't it. Maybe I assumed spending all that time in prison would give Jon time to write some sort of magical music that transcends the current sound of metal, but the tracks they've posted on their site don't compare to their previous stuff.
when i first listened to the two new tracks i felt really disappointed.
i was like "the beautiful melodies are still there, but where did their fury go ?"
then they grew in me.
now i'm really looking forward to hear the whole album.
Great news, can't wait to hear the new album.

I don't think it'll be as good as their old though, because the old ablum had a "rough" "distorted" sound and their new will most likely be a lot cleaner, taking away from that quality. But who knows? We'll have to wait.

By the way, what's he in jail for? Sorry I'm behind...
Don't say that! I hope they touch the old stuff sometimes, too cut it out entirely should be illegal. :erk: