Dissonant – Consolidated Reality Fragments
Self-released – 2005
By Russell Garwood
Dissonant are a five piece from Israel. Their music is anything but dissonant, however, being a relatively accessible amalgamation of most forms of modern metal. There are moments rockier than a greenschist formation, nu-metalisms, hardcore leanings, and influences more straight-up metal than a crowbar upside the face. Vocals are generally sung, a balance between guttural tones and more polished layers. Under this expect melodic guitars, which make ample use of squealing pinched harmonics, precise rhythm work, and soaring leads. The bass is powerful and prominent, with a dearth of solo moments, tapping intros and much tom-foolery besides, giving the music its occasional nu-metal feel. The drums are equally varied, with lots of start-stop sections, fills, and changing beats.
The songs themselves are also chameleonesque, with a multitude of different sections in each progressive piece. Hence, there are a lot of ideas on display, with good production and presentation for an independent release. It does feel, however, that at times the band are lacking identity and individuality. Nevertheless, promising stuff.
UM’s Review Rating Scale
Official Dissonant website
Dissonant Myspace page
Self-released – 2005
By Russell Garwood

Dissonant are a five piece from Israel. Their music is anything but dissonant, however, being a relatively accessible amalgamation of most forms of modern metal. There are moments rockier than a greenschist formation, nu-metalisms, hardcore leanings, and influences more straight-up metal than a crowbar upside the face. Vocals are generally sung, a balance between guttural tones and more polished layers. Under this expect melodic guitars, which make ample use of squealing pinched harmonics, precise rhythm work, and soaring leads. The bass is powerful and prominent, with a dearth of solo moments, tapping intros and much tom-foolery besides, giving the music its occasional nu-metal feel. The drums are equally varied, with lots of start-stop sections, fills, and changing beats.
The songs themselves are also chameleonesque, with a multitude of different sections in each progressive piece. Hence, there are a lot of ideas on display, with good production and presentation for an independent release. It does feel, however, that at times the band are lacking identity and individuality. Nevertheless, promising stuff.
UM’s Review Rating Scale
Official Dissonant website
Dissonant Myspace page