Distortion on Joeys' Vocals


New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2011
Hey! I did a quick search of the forum about this and found a little bit of info but not as specific, so don't flame me if I missed something :rofl:

I know the approach is always different for every project but one I'd like to point out is Miss May I's Monument, Would their of been some subtle distortion or saturation used on the screaming, mainly the high register stuff to get that thick sound or is that just the vocalists throat, What plug ins do you guys use for any screaming saturation/distortion?

Thanks a lot!
i think he has said different things for different occasions.

1176 compressor can have aggressive properties that seem to be reminiscent to an overdrive. joey has also said he uses the factory cubase distortion plugin. i could be wrong about that.
It certainly sounds as Tim said, "overdriven" in that album. Sort of brings throatiness to the midrange. Ive always done that for my screamed vox
Okay I'll definitely play around with that compressor and try some tape saturation, the distrotion would of been used most as a passive kind of boost instead of a clear effect, eg hearing the breaking up of the distortion?
Give Soundtoys decapitator a try, that plugin is amazing for all sorts of things, from some subtle tape vibe on drums to absolutely destroying something. In fact the whole damn native bundle is incredible, probably the best plug-in purchase I've made.
Joey used some distortion on my screams in our album, but it wasn't subtle, more for the really driven effect, he used a cubase "distortion" plugin.

things i have used to make distortion on screams.
pod farm TS
AIR Fuzz-Wah (just turn the wah off, this is in pro tools)
Antares Warm

all work well for different situations.