Distortion Problems


Yeah... Whatever
Jul 27, 2002
Santiago, Chile
I have a Korg Toneworks AX300G, and the distortion sounds like crap!! I have tried everything, boosting bass, treble, mids, everything, but it doesn't seem to sound better. I really don't know what to do.
The leads aren't a problem, because you can cover the sound a bit with chorus, a bit of reverb and the lead pickup, but how can i make the riffs sound good? It sounds like if you where playing with the lead pickup, and if you try adding treble or lowering basses, it is like a needle in your ears, if you know what I mean. Any Suggestions?
It does sound quite well directly on an amp, at least better than with the pedal. I have an Ibanez RG270DX, with two humbuckers and a single one, but I don't know the brand. but as they sound ok on the amp alone, why should it sound badly with the pedal??
Could be that the pedal is cr*p. Look at it again to make sure there's no controls that you missed. Multi-effect pedals often have several different types of distortion to choose from, where usually one sounds good and the rest as cr*p.

If your guitar sounds good through an amp, your pickups are ok.
Originally posted by ElPredicador
I have a Korg Toneworks AX300G, and the distortion sounds like crap!! I have tried everything, boosting bass, treble, mids, everything, but it doesn't seem to sound better. I really don't know what to do.
The leads aren't a problem, because you can cover the sound a bit with chorus, a bit of reverb and the lead pickup, but how can i make the riffs sound good? It sounds like if you where playing with the lead pickup, and if you try adding treble or lowering basses, it is like a needle in your ears, if you know what I mean. Any Suggestions?

I have the same pedal, but I have no problems with it.
it has really nice distortion sounds.

tell me how your pedal is tuned:
need all the stuff like:
- chain edits
- various chain edits
- distortion sound
- gain
- treble
- mid gain
- bass
- trim gain
- attack
- depth
- feedback
- use pitchshifter yes or no
- reverb yes or no
- wah yes or no
- all the rest of the stuff.

Maybe i can find out, what you do wrong.

Maybe you can look at this site as well for patches:

Well I have:

-Compressor: sensitivity 50, level 44, attack 40
-Distortion 1: Studio, gain 50, level 23, treble -4
-3 band equalizer: bass 4.5, mid freq 4khz, mid gain 4.5, treble 0.0, trim gain 0
-Chorus: speed 0.02, depth 50
-Noise reduction: 14
-Total Level: 50

Output: full
Input: about a quarter

This is the best I've got, but it still doesn't sound as I expect.
I got a Korg AX (then sold it), they are a bit weak unless you're playing heavy rock. Get a Marshall shredmaster they sound good and are relatively cheap (I sold mine but I want it back) it's one of the truest metal sounds about in my opinion. I also bought a digitech genesis 1 it's an amp simulator and it makes the sound really full especially with just the tiniest bit of chorus. Metal Zone is also a good pedal.
Just bought a Zoom GFX-8...sounds pretty damn cool. The built in distortion isn't that great with the effects it has going into it, but if you customize it, it sounds fucking wicked. I also have a Metal Zone, and it sounds even better than my metal zone.
Originally posted by thrashmetal78
Just bought a Zoom GFX-8...sounds pretty damn cool. The built in distortion isn't that great with the effects it has going into it, but if you customize it, it sounds fucking wicked. I also have a Metal Zone, and it sounds even better than my metal zone.

Cool man.I'm fairly backward on effects and stuff,but i was wondering if you could give me an insight into your set up and explain how you got such a wicked sound out of your Zoom.I saw a local band who's guitarist had the same unit(i think...i'm sure)and i must admit,was a killer sound.Didn't get a chance to chat to him though.
If you have a H&K or 5150, you shouldn't need a Metal Zone...

The metal zone sounds like crap on nicer amps... It's a good band aide, but if you have a 5150, you should be able to get great high-gain distortion without using any stomp boxes.

Pickups could be an issue too.
Yep, METAL ZONE from Boss has to be handled very carefully. It can sound great on the right amps. But i often had problems with the volume of that METAL ZONE: It sometimes switched from very loud to very silent. One time it happend on stage. You can imagine how embarassing this situation was for me. Since then I never used this thing again.
Now i got the Peavy "Dirty Dog". This thing sounds like hell. (or heaven, depends on how u like it) :D
Originally posted by xenophobe
If you have a H&K or 5150, you shouldn't need a Metal Zone...

The metal zone sounds like crap on nicer amps... It's a good band aide, but if you have a 5150, you should be able to get great high-gain distortion without using any stomp boxes.

Pickups could be an issue too.
Thanks for corrections and help, I'll try and try again....
I still learn,....:p
Now i got the Peavy "Dirty Dog". This thing sounds like hell. (or heaven, depends on how u like it) :D [/B][/QUOTE]

Sounds interesting.Can you give me some info on the Peavy Dirty Dog?
Originally posted by ElPredicador
I have a Korg Toneworks AX300G, and the distortion sounds like crap!! I have tried everything, boosting bass, treble, mids, everything, but it doesn't seem to sound better. I really don't know what to do.
The leads aren't a problem, because you can cover the sound a bit with chorus, a bit of reverb and the lead pickup, but how can i make the riffs sound good? It sounds like if you where playing with the lead pickup, and if you try adding treble or lowering basses, it is like a needle in your ears, if you know what I mean. Any Suggestions?
..Have you tried lowering your pickups?? That will get rid of some of the noise. You could also get lower output pots like 250k. ..500k+ might be to much for your distortion pedal?