Disturbed - Indestructible

I used to be a huge Disturbed fan. They were my favorite band for like 4 years before I discovered "real Metal". By that I mean bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Queensryche, Iced Earth, and the like. Nowadays I'm listening to more Progressive stuff like Dream Theater, who have been my favorite band since 2006. I'm not an Opeth fan, so being here will raise question among you, but I like browsing other bands' forums to seek opinions on other bands that I like. This Thread was pointed out to me anyway due to it's ridiculousness of the Disturbed bashing. I was disappointed with Indestructible a bit, but it still had some good songs on it. They are removing themselves more and more from "nu Metal" and becoming more like a metal band which I had hoped. It's a shame though that Dan's soloing is so samey, and the lead guitar is only present when soloing at all. Maybe that's the metal snob in me, but I think they have what it takes. I think it's laughable that Opeth and Death Metal fans in general, bash non death metal fans for not having balls or saying they can't handle the growls, but then complain about Draiman's monkey noises. Give me a break. Disturbed is hardly a Hot Topic band. Yeah they sell the shirts there, and even play their music, but the music so so different then everything else that's played there. I know this because every blue moon I enter a Hot Topic hoping to find some random good band shirt. I never find one, and I don't want to get a bunch of Iron Maiden shirts that everyone else will have, cause I know I'll be the only actual fan of them, and thus get mixed in with the posers. I was in Hot Topic today, and damn was it embarrassing. I hate that fucking store.

Anyway, Disturbed isn't the greatest band, but I believe they are one of the best "nu Metal" bands out now (I wouldn't even call them nu Metal), and one of the only good bands left being played on the radio. That is when I do actually turn on that crap fest radio. I can't say I have the urge to play Disturbed that much anymore, but when I do listen to them, my opinion of them is the same. I still like the band. And like someone else pointed out, there is worse shit out there, but at least Disturbed is trying to make good music, and not just sell out, although some may argue they already have. I do think it's time for a change, or a progression in their music.

And finally, I don't see how anyone can compare limp dipshit to Disturbed. Apples and oranges in my opinion.

That is all, thank you.
I don't like disturbed but I respect the lead singer (cant remember his name) and I think their riffage is way ahead of the rest of their genre. I can't blame someone for digging it.
If I don't like a certain artist I either don't listen to it, or I tolerate it because my wife likes it and I know she's a good sport when it comes to my music.

As you guys get older you won't be bothered as much by other's musical tastes, at least that's what happened to me.
Oh, you people are retarted. Even Mike would probably agree that you're better off like a wide range of bands no matter what people think of them, as long as they're talented and can write good music. Disturbed might not be the next Opeth, but compared to the newer crap that music is turning into, where the ONLY music any new band is doing is deathcore, Disturbed aren't that bad. They're whole albums usually aren't that good/alotta the songs steal each others choruses, but they have made some really good songs. And Idk who really said they're numetal, they really aren't. Mudvayne, Deftones, Soulfly and stuff like that is like true blue nu-metal. Disturbed are more just hard rock with a metal influence. And they actually have really good production quality and seem to care about they're music alot.

Even saying that though, why do people hate nu-metal so much when it's better to hate on Deathcore? Bands like Mudvayne and Deftones are absolutely amazing and really write good music, and still keep alot of genious into their music. The only the I dont like about nu-metal, especially Deftones, is the bands seem to dislike a crystal clear production and choose a low-quality, messy recording style, even though the bands are sitting on piles of money. They're music still is good enough to look past that though.

Seriously, even though my fav bands are like Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, ect. just because they are the top talented bands in my opinion as far as a complete mix of talent, talented songwriting, great production, and just cool bandmembers, i do think alot of music is great. Even the newer metal bands like Avenged Sevenfold and Atreyu are really good bands that showcase alot of variety, just in a different genre.
This thread was kind of funny read. Good that there were some people putting some sense to it.

So, anyway: I listened to the new Disturbed record a little at my friend's yesterday, thought it was alright. A couple of good songs and some nice riffs. It definetly wasn't among the best bands we listened there (we were listening to a lot of stuff), but it didn't leave me that bad taste. And I'm not one who likes Nu-metal a whole lot.

So, I'm saying that I have nothing against the band. Let them do their thing. It's not the worst shit out there, not even close.

@philno: thank you for stating the obvious. No offence, but it is obvious.
uhh dude mudvayne doesnt write 'amazing music' or anything close, and i think its fucking stupid for you to say that we are better off listening to a wide range of artists and then tell us that its better to hate on deathcore? it just so happens that both nu metal or whatever its called and metalcore music sucks

disturbed is boring as shit and the only reason they released a new album is to make some more money, because they sure as fuck didnt release anything new, just a shitty rehash of one of their earlier shitty albums.

also, john coltrane was an alcoholic, and i love his music. i dont care if he was the meanest, most retarded faggot in history in his private life, i dont listen to musicians because i think they are cool or whatever, i listen to them because i like their MUSIC. why does it matter that you think opeth, dark tranq and in flames are cool? would you still like them if suddenly they became 'uncool' ?
Are you special?

I just said that Dark Tranquillity, and Opeth, ect were my favorite bands because in my opinion they are the most talented of any bands I have heard, I never said they were cool, and quite frankly, they are the "dorky" bands of metal. Mudvayne is a really talented band, especially they're guitars, but ALSO I said they're talented compared to many new American acts. There's a difference. Compared to like Opeth, they are quite not as good. Also, my HIGHEST value of any band is their ability to write good and catchy music that is not boring, copycatted, or without purpose. And quite frankly, much American music is made without a real purpose other than to entertain people, instead of bands like Opeth who make music to be artistic about it, like painting a painting but with music.

But like I said, most deathcore music is made without any real purpose other than to put on a good live performance. The growls are not understandable unlike Opeth's and other bands. The music has no progression and emotion, its just basically playing random parts, and the singer screams to it in a very un-rythmic way, basically nothing that compliments the music. You can look up the defintion of music and the defintion of it is way different than anything deathcore or grindcore seems to do. And you might say those genere's are just being unique, different, just like Opeth do, but then again, I could go out and bang on trash cans and say its music. But there needs to be a line drawn between what's music and what's not. And In my opinion, bands liek Opeth make that line quite clear.

I will admit there is one really good deathcore ish song called Satutory Ape by The Black Dahlia Murder. It is a amazing song, because the band bothered to put a lil rythem into that song, without damaging the evilness and heavyness of it at all. It sounds like deathcore still, but actually amazing. Sadly, none of their other songs give quite the same effect.
I also said it was better to hate on death core than nu-metal, not that it was better to have a wide range than hate on deathcore. You obviously have reading issues.
you obviously have extreme generalization issues, arguing that the majority of an entire is made without any real purpose. im sure there will be people that will judge that as bullshit, including me (i dont even like any sort of hardcore, including deathcore.) un-rhythmic? are u kidding me? maybe its syncopated? or on another beat? also, mudvayne, especially guitars, are not impressive or original at all.

you could bang on trash cans all u want, and as long as it "...is an art form in which the medium is sound organized in time." then it, by definition, is music. theres no line to include whats music and whats not apart from that, although their are principes of music (which have really declined to nothing in recent years. read: hip-hop)

id also argue that there are deathcore bands with progression, in both their songs and in their album progression. but whatever, you called it out that most dont, so please back that up in some way.

news: opeth's music is made to entertain opeth. so yes its also made to entertain people, all music is