Disturbed - Indestructible

tori amos is fantastic BTW. i just dont think that this is the forum to discuss disturbed, it's like going onto a nazi forum and saying "hey, stop the hate."

Yeah, there are obviously plenty of shittier bands out there, it's just funny that some people are getting raged over people making fun of them when it's obvious that's what would happen on a board based on Opeth. I wonder if someone started a thread about kelly clarkson or fifty cent or something they'd start throwing around accusations of shallow metal fanboys wearing too much black eyeliner and trying to be kvlt too :p Which, by the way, is kind of funny since it's the hot topic crowd that is the stereotype of disturbed's target audience.
Yeah, there are obviously plenty of shittier bands out there, it's just funny that some people are getting raged over people making fun of them when it's obvious that's what would happen on a board based on Opeth. I wonder if someone started a thread about kelly clarkson or fifty cent or something they'd start throwing around accusations of shallow metal fanboys wearing too much black eyeliner and trying to be kvlt too :p Which, by the way, is kind of funny since it's the hot topic crowd that is the stereotype of disturbed's target audience.

i c ur point.
Haha, you're such a combative prick.
He put you in your place. Take it like a man.

PS I dig Tori Amos too. It seems you're the one with a sandy, my friend. I make no apology for my bluntness. If it chafes you, that's your problem. I'm not afraid to state when I like a band, or dislike a band, and I'm not going to come down to your level to play.
And the wanking continues...

"Haha, you're such a combative prick."

Hello? Kettle? This is the Pot calling...

"I used to listen to tons of horrendous nu-metal and think some of it still has value, for example Mudvayne's LD 20 has some pretty cool stuff on it, I don't hate most of Korn and Slipknot's material, etc. I just remember even back in high school when I thought Slipknot and Mudvayne were the height of awesome I still HATED disturbed's first album besides the song "Voices," all of the singer's dumb sound effects drove me nuts and they jumped on the "cover an 80s song" bandwagon with probably the worst contribution, that miserable cover of Shout where they tried to sound really tough. Also, they had that goddam song called dropping plates which starts with a fadein synth chord, a barf sound effect, and then lyrics like (i swear i'm not making this up) "A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR YOUR EARHOLE, GET UP!!!!" Maybe they've improved since then, but I'm not a real big fan of the singles I've heard on the radio."

Again, seeing as you're reading comprehension skills are so obviously lacking, allow me to remind you that what I actually said was that I liked SOME of their stuff, primarily for some of the cool riffs Donegan's come up with. For the record, I've never cared for the singer either, but I'm a guitarist, so I've learned to look past mediocre singers over the years. And who the hell listens to the radio anymore?!

"Anyway, I wasn't trying to be like "lol disturbed is for queerz lol" I just found it funny that you wrote that huge essay with tons of vocabulary not frequently seen on this forum in defense of a band that has released a song like "Down with the Sickness" which is easily one of the top 10 worst songs in nu metal history (quite an achievement with competition like the limp bizkit/coal chamber catalogs). If you have no sense of humor, you can go start a forum for humorless types with a penchant for music that everyone makes fun of on here with Kenneth R."

Awwwww... I'm so very sorry that all dem big ol' words gave you such a headache, junior. In the future, I promise I'll make every attempt to dumb it down to your level. Please forgive my temerity (oops, there I go again!) for assuming on a freaking Opeth board that the median literacy level was somewhere beyond the 4th grade! And AGAIN, I believe I pointed out that I was more a fan of the riffs than the lyrics, but we've already covered your now legendary lack of comprehension, so I'll leave that last bit of flesh on the dead horse unflayed for now. As for having a sense of humor, you've yet to post anything that could even remotely be considered as "funny" or that has made anyone other than yourself so much as snicker, so frankly, how the fuck would you even know?!

Anxiously awaiting your next insipid paroxysm...

Your pal,

I just found it funny that you wrote that huge essay with tons of vocabulary not frequently seen on this forum in defense of a band that has released a song like "Down with the Sickness" which is easily one of the top 10 worst songs in nu metal history (quite an achievement with competition like the limp bizkit/coal chamber catalogs).

Jesus, Coal Chamber is fucking awful, probably even worse than Limp Bizkit.
And the wanking continues...

"Haha, you're such a combative prick."

Hello? Kettle? This is the Pot calling...

"I used to listen to tons of horrendous nu-metal and think some of it still has value, for example Mudvayne's LD 20 has some pretty cool stuff on it, I don't hate most of Korn and Slipknot's material, etc. I just remember even back in high school when I thought Slipknot and Mudvayne were the height of awesome I still HATED disturbed's first album besides the song "Voices," all of the singer's dumb sound effects drove me nuts and they jumped on the "cover an 80s song" bandwagon with probably the worst contribution, that miserable cover of Shout where they tried to sound really tough. Also, they had that goddam song called dropping plates which starts with a fadein synth chord, a barf sound effect, and then lyrics like (i swear i'm not making this up) "A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR YOUR EARHOLE, GET UP!!!!" Maybe they've improved since then, but I'm not a real big fan of the singles I've heard on the radio."

Again, seeing as you're reading comprehension skills are so obviously lacking, allow me to remind you that what I actually said was that I liked SOME of their stuff, primarily for some of the cool riffs Donegan's come up with. For the record, I've never cared for the singer either, but I'm a guitarist, so I've learned to look past mediocre singers over the years. And who the hell listens to the radio anymore?!

"Anyway, I wasn't trying to be like "lol disturbed is for queerz lol" I just found it funny that you wrote that huge essay with tons of vocabulary not frequently seen on this forum in defense of a band that has released a song like "Down with the Sickness" which is easily one of the top 10 worst songs in nu metal history (quite an achievement with competition like the limp bizkit/coal chamber catalogs). If you have no sense of humor, you can go start a forum for humorless types with a penchant for music that everyone makes fun of on here with Kenneth R."

Awwwww... I'm so very sorry that all dem big ol' words gave you such a headache, junior. In the future, I promise I'll make every attempt to dumb it down to your level. Please forgive my temerity (oops, there I go again!) for assuming on a freaking Opeth board that the median literacy level was somewhere beyond the 4th grade! And AGAIN, I believe I pointed out that I was more a fan of the riffs than the lyrics, but we've already covered your now legendary lack of comprehension, so I'll leave that last bit of flesh on the dead horse unflayed for now. As for having a sense of humor, you've yet to post anything that could even remotely be considered as "funny" or that has made anyone other than yourself so much as snicker, so frankly, how the fuck would you even know?!

Anxiously awaiting your next insipid paroxysm...

Your pal,


There's nothing that can be said to this complete diffusion of everything I said into this self-congratulatory mess, with the smug verbosity of a creative writing professor's worst nightmare. Obviously, you will take it to mean you have "won" this "argument," as you are possibly the most self-satisfied person I've seen yet on this board, and I can deal with that, as it is obvious writing this kind of thing gets you off and you are a seasoned troll of the highest order. I look forward to seeing how many more people you inspire outright hatred in, all the while smugly impressed by your own amazing command of the english language and rapier wit. It's unfortunate you will lose interest so quickly when no one wants to play ball with your quasi-intellectual wankery, since (as you said) very few (if any) have interest in trying to wow each other with their vocabulary choices, and those that do are typically labelled "fag." You could probably have quite a career in the ********* forums.

EDIT: wow, i guess they don't allow mention of the url of a particular website for impenetrably (and absolutely hilariously) verbose nazi black metal fans anymore. Too bad.
Dude, the way you keep replying and replying says to me that you're ego-hurt and you just can't let it go. Take it back to high school? Or like you just brought up, the analnazi guys. I'm really enjoying reading this thread in a sadistic way.
There's nothing that can be said to this complete diffusion of everything I said into this self-congratulatory mess, with the smug verbosity of a creative writing professor's worst nightmare. Obviously, you will take it to mean you have "won" this "argument," as you are possibly the most self-satisfied person I've seen yet on this board, and I can deal with that, as it is obvious writing this kind of thing gets you off and you are a seasoned troll of the highest order. I look forward to seeing how many more people you inspire outright hatred in, all the while smugly impressed by your own amazing command of the english language and rapier wit. It's unfortunate you will lose interest so quickly when no one wants to play ball with your quasi-intellectual wankery, since (as you said) very few (if any) have interest in trying to wow each other with their vocabulary choices, and those that do are typically labelled "fag." You could probably have quite a career in the ********* forums.

EDIT: wow, i guess they don't allow mention of the url of a particular website for impenetrably (and absolutely hilariously) verbose nazi black metal fans anymore. Too bad.

What a steaming load of hypocrisy...

Look you sanctimonious, pathologically insecure, intolerant little douche, you may want to scroll back up a page and remind yourself just who fired first in our fun little flame-war, and here's a hint, it wasn't me. So if you're searching for the resident "troll" on this thread, I'm afraid you really should consult your nearest reflective surface if you really want to find the true so-called "nazi" perpetrator. (Those jackboots look so natural on you, too!) And why the hell would anyone care about "winning" an argument with a petulant imbecile? Trust me, you're giving yourself waaaaaaayyy too much credit here!

Speaking of which, in keeping with the old axiom of "when you argue with an idiot, no one can tell the difference between you", I've already given you far more of my time than your inane blathering warrants, so...

Have a nice day!

What a steaming load of hypocrisy...

Look you sanctimonious, pathologically insecure, intolerant little douche, you may want to scroll back up a page and remind yourself just who fired first in our fun little flame-war, and here's a hint, it wasn't me. So if you're searching for the resident "troll" on this thread, I'm afraid you really should consult your nearest reflective surface if you really want to find the true so-called "nazi" perpetrator. (Those jackboots look so natural on you, too!) And why the hell would anyone care about "winning" an argument with a petulant imbecile? Trust me, you're giving yourself waaaaaaayyy too much credit here!

Speaking of which, in keeping with the old axiom of "when you argue with an idiot, no one can tell the difference between you", I've already given you far more of my time than your inane blathering warrants, so...

Have a nice day!


I was COMPLETELY joking around with the Down with the Sickness comment towards you, and then you wrote a giant flame and I responded as such, aided by some annoyance at the self-righteousness of the Disturbed supporters. Cool off plz.
In the end, it all boils down to a single thing: Do you or do you not like Disturbed. All the rest is abstract philosophical bullshit that's meant to reconcile the apparent contradiction of human tastes varying from one person to the other. Just forget about it.
It doesn't make you a fag anymore than listening to Opeth makes you a fag. What the hell, I find quite a lot of catchy songs in the mainstream area that I like. I like some songs of Celine Dion. Jesus, I liked the tune of Britney's One more Time when it came out. It's a bit useless to deny that catchy tunes are likeable. Of course, my like for bands like Opeth doesn't decrease over time like that for Britney's One more time (or whatever it was called), but that's because the music is more complex and rewarding in the end. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with commercial music. After all, all we hear is frequencies and amplitudes. What I do find intrinsically wrong, is the attitude behind the music. That, I think, originates from the industry itself, rather than the musicians. The industry knows that simplistic artificial music sells more, and so it pushes the bands which do that thing rather than bands like Opeth.

Edit: Seen in a different light, we are the people on the wrong side of the musical spectrum. Basically, to the vast majority of people out there, we like obscure, dark, and dull music, and we are by far a small minority. If you judge what is good and what is bad by what the majority thinks (let's not go into the argument of whether you can even judge what is good vs. what is bad), then we are definitely on the wrong side. So my attitude is to trust my own tastes, and forget about what others think of it. If I like that catchy tune, I like it, and I don't care.
^ I used to have your same attitude, and still have, to a degree.

Since I started listening to Opeth, I found myself focusing more and more on the drums. I have no idea why, since I'm a guitarist and I don't know jack shit about drumming, but that's the fact, now the first thing I notice in a song are the drums. And in the pop scene, no matter how catchy the tune is, I still hear the drums first, and in this kind of music, they repeat the same dull pattern for a lifetime, and a fill pops in once ever 30 bars or so. It really depresses the music.
To which I point to my original post, yeah I'm not ashamed to admit I like a few songs off the two most recent albums. Guess that makes me a "fag". :rolleyes:

Nah, daring to disagree with (and therefore threaten) some insecure 14 year-old's opinion about "false metal" :puke: is what constitutes "faggery" around here. Oh yeah! I almost forgot, using words with more than two syllables will apparently cause migraines for some, so don't assume that just because it's an Opeth message board that the median IQ will be any higher than that of a Cradle of Filth forum. Another intriguing concept I've noticed is that if someone starts some shit with you, and you hand them their virtual ass on a virtual platter, they'll actually accuse YOU of being the troll. (fascinating, ain't it?)

So whatever you do, talk reel dumm and don't listen to no music that ain't all br00tal all the time or yer a faggy troll!
^ I used to have your same attitude, and still have, to a degree.

Since I started listening to Opeth, I found myself focusing more and more on the drums. I have no idea why, since I'm a guitarist and I don't know jack shit about drumming, but that's the fact, now the first thing I notice in a song are the drums. And in the pop scene, no matter how catchy the tune is, I still hear the drums first, and in this kind of music, they repeat the same dull pattern for a lifetime, and a fill pops in once ever 30 bars or so. It really depresses the music.

I know perfectly well what you are saying and agree. But who's to say that complex varying rhythms are better than simple repeated ones?
Oh yeah! I almost forgot, using words with more than two syllables will apparently cause migraines for some, so don't assume that just because it's an Opeth message board that the median IQ will be any higher than that of a Cradle of Filth forum.

frankly I don't think anybody cares about your expanded vocabulary. Just because you have a dictionary in front of you when you post doesn't mean you are better than any other on this forum, which is seen perfectly in your flamewar with wankerness in which both of you threw bullshit wrapped in pretentious vocabulary at each other.