Disturbed - Indestructible

Hmm, it seems to me that the members of this particular music forum are all still stuck in the "i hate anything mainstream, whether it be catchy or not" phase.
Yeah, like I said, you need to really take a breather dude. :lol:

Scroll up, I never said they were a favourite band. Not even an often-listened-to. Just a couple discs I thought were alright, especially compared to what they used to be like. So I chimed in on this thread to say yeah, I do dig this disc. That's all. Don't take it so personally. :lol:
Hmm, it seems to me that the members of this particular music forum are all still stuck in the "i hate anything mainstream, whether it be catchy or not" phase.

It would seem that way to me too if I didn't know any better and was drowning in denial at the same time.
Lots of people listen to popular music on this board. Lets try to remember that THE WORLD WOULD SUCK IF EVERYONE LISTENED TO THE SAME SHIT, no matter what it was. Different tastes make things more interesting!
Hmm, it seems to me that the members of this particular music forum are all still stuck in the "i hate anything mainstream, whether it be catchy or not" phase.

well not really, it's just that I hate bad music. Unfortunately disturbed fits this completely.