Disturbed - Indestructible

Liking or disliking them doesn't make you open minded. It's the mechanics of genre that I was really addressing. But that point has been made and done. You'd be a lot more open minded for getting into The Future Sound Of London, but that's another argument entirely.
I'm fucking 40 and I dig some of Disturbed's stuff. They're a far cry from one of my all-time favorite bands, but Dan Donegan does come up with some fat riffs at times. Also, if you don't think there's a very persistent undertone of elitist snobbery around here, you're either a. not very observant, or b. delusional. You can pretty much bank on being flamed by someone if you dare display the temerity to dig anything that isn't perceived as "dark" or "metal" enough or has sold more than 100,000 copies. Examples of the idiotic perception of anything at that sells at all "sucks balls" can be found in abundance and with ease.

That said, you do have to expect to encounter this kind of vapid, rampant opining on pretty much any internet message board you care to frequent. Sadly, it's really more of a commentary on human nature that, protected by the anonymity of the internet, people feel freer to wallow in their prejudices and attempt to shove them down your throat than they would ever dare to in public. We can argue and bitch about it all we want, but it will never change... face it, everyone has an opinionated asshole gene hard-wired into their damned DNA and we all have our moments, albeit with varying frequency, usually determined by our own personal level of insecurity and angst. I try not to get too into it unless it's directed specifically at me or I discover a particularly fascinating example of it, but no one's entirely immune, so sometimes ya just gotta counter by farting your opinion right back in their face and say: "Mmmmm, SMELL my opinion, motherfucker!" lol
Haha just saw this most recent review for the new Disturbed album dubbing it "metal for apes". :lol: Check it out:

oh ahahahahah...... metal for apes at best, June 16, 2008
By bobbybeefbend "porn star" (here) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Indestructible (Bonus Tracks) (Music Download)
listened to the ape vocals and i too got down with the sickness, luckily
it went away, when i gave away the cd.
maybe this band has evolved like the ape, but i doubt it.
please feel free to retort, ohahahahahah ohahahahah

I'm fucking 40 and I dig some of Disturbed's stuff. They're a far cry from one of my all-time favorite bands, but Dan Donegan does come up with some fat riffs at times. Also, if you don't think there's a very persistent undertone of elitist snobbery around here, you're either a. not very observant, or b. delusional. You can pretty much bank on being flamed by someone if you dare display the temerity to dig anything that isn't perceived as "dark" or "metal" enough or has sold more than 100,000 copies. Examples of the idiotic perception of anything at that sells at all "sucks balls" can be found in abundance and with ease.

That said, you do have to expect to encounter this kind of vapid, rampant opining on pretty much any internet message board you care to frequent. Sadly, it's really more of a commentary on human nature that, protected by the anonymity of the internet, people feel freer to wallow in their prejudices and attempt to shove them down your throat than they would ever dare to in public. We can argue and bitch about it all we want, but it will never change... face it, everyone has an opinionated asshole gene hard-wired into their damned DNA and we all have our moments, albeit with varying frequency, usually determined by our own personal level of insecurity and angst. I try not to get too into it unless it's directed specifically at me or I discover a particularly fascinating example of it, but no one's entirely immune, so sometimes ya just gotta counter by farting your opinion right back in their face and say: "Mmmmm, SMELL my opinion, motherfucker!" lol

That's some big talk for someone who enjoys a band with songs like "Down with the Sickness" on their resume!
diggin my doh widda jus one faaaack
riggin no winna jus dont giba faaaack
fine myselv stupified ricka dicka dicka
Pretend to know more than anyone else like wankerness.

batmura, that was real mature.

come on now kenneth. mudvayne's second album will always be very special to me but i know not to try and change people's minds about them on this forum. if you like disturbed, thats cool, but there's no reason to get upset over people's comments about them, because most people on here hate them. doesnt mean u cant dig them.

oh, and i bet even wankerness has some band he idolizes but fears to tell anyone. (*answer* the band is TATU)
You're all reading me wrong. I only have a passing interest in a handful of songs. The only reason I spend so much time in this thread is that the blind ignorant hate and immaturity could use some addressing. But then, I should expect as much from the babies on the Opeth forum. Especially from supposedly professional reviewers.
That's some big talk for someone who enjoys a band with songs like "Down with the Sickness" on their resume!

Far bigger talk than anything you've demonstrated the capacity for, Tolstoy.

Well, at least you did have the decency to warn everyone by choosing the absolute most accurate name possible for yourself... "wanker". I enjoy lots of different bands, for different reasons and with varying enthusiasm, and I really couldn't care less what some puerile, narrow-minded adolescent ass-bag thinks about it.

Have a nice day!
Far bigger talk than anything you've demonstrated the capacity for, Tolstoy.

Well, at least you did have the decency to warn everyone by choosing the absolute most accurate name possible for yourself... "wanker". I enjoy lots of different bands, for different reasons and with varying enthusiasm, and I really couldn't care less what some puerile, narrow-minded adolescent ass-bag thinks about it.

Have a nice day!

Haha, you're such a combative prick. I used to listen to tons of horrendous nu-metal and think some of it still has value, for example Mudvayne's LD 20 has some pretty cool stuff on it, I don't hate most of Korn and Slipknot's material, etc. I just remember even back in high school when I thought Slipknot and Mudvayne were the height of awesome I still HATED disturbed's first album besides the song "Voices," all of the singer's dumb sound effects drove me nuts and they jumped on the "cover an 80s song" bandwagon with probably the worst contribution, that miserable cover of Shout where they tried to sound really tough. Also, they had that goddam song called dropping plates which starts with a fadein synth chord, a barf sound effect, and then lyrics like (i swear i'm not making this up) "A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR YOUR EARHOLE, GET UP!!!!" Maybe they've improved since then, but I'm not a real big fan of the singles I've heard on the radio. Anyway, I wasn't trying to be like "lol disturbed is for queerz lol" I just found it funny that you wrote that huge essay with tons of vocabulary not frequently seen on this forum in defense of a band that has released a song like "Down with the Sickness" which is easily one of the top 10 worst songs in nu metal history (quite an achievement with competition like the limp bizkit/coal chamber catalogs). If you have no sense of humor, you can go start a forum for humorless types with a penchant for music that everyone makes fun of on here with Kenneth R.
come on now kenneth. mudvayne's second album will always be very special to me but i know not to try and change people's minds about them on this forum. if you like disturbed, thats cool, but there's no reason to get upset over people's comments about them, because most people on here hate them. doesnt mean u cant dig them.

oh, and i bet even wankerness has some band he idolizes but fears to tell anyone. (*answer* the band is TATU)

Kenneth is like, the most humorless vagina on this forum. He gets raged whenever anyone makes fun of anything cheesy/non-metaul and misses just about every joke anyone makes so he can respond to it with something bitchy. I think he might be autistic. That creepy looking guy that used to be his AV that I think might have been the singer for Lacuna Coil will always be the picture in my mind I have of him.

I idolize lots of bands that everyone here would make fun of to no end. I've made this well known in such threads as the Tori Amos one. :D I barely listen to any metal anymore and really didn't like watershed, I just find this forum funny and have been here for years.
Kenneth is like, the most humorless vagina on this forum. He gets raged whenever anyone makes fun of anything cheesy/non-metaul and misses just about every joke anyone makes so he can respond to it with something bitchy. I think he might be autistic. That creepy looking guy that used to be his AV that I think might have been the singer for Lacuna Coil will always be the picture in my mind I have of him.

I idolize lots of bands that everyone here would make fun of to no end. I've made this well known in such threads as the Tori Amos one. :D I barely listen to any metal anymore and really didn't like watershed, I just find this forum funny and have been here for years.

tori amos is fantastic BTW. i just dont think that this is the forum to discuss disturbed, it's like going onto a nazi forum and saying "hey, stop the hate."