Disturbed - Indestructible

lmfao just because not all of us like Disturbed, doesn't mean we're all close-minded.
But it means exactly that when theres hundreds of threads calling people fags and retarded 12 year olds simply because everything they listen to isn't considered progressive.
The accusation of close-minds isn't based on a liking for Disturbed, but rather on the instant dismissal based on past experiences. Bands can change direction..
But it means exactly that when theres hundreds of threads calling people fags and retarded 12 year olds simply because everything they listen to isn't considered progressive.

Naw, actually you and the other Disturbed fans in here are still simply young and have an underdeveloped taste in music. I know it's difficult to hear that, but some day you'll understand.

(See how it sounds when I try to be as assumptive and ridiculous as some of you in here?)

batmura calling people fags for listening to Disturbed does not = "hundreds of threads calling people fags and retarded 12 year olds." If you think this forum is about nothing but prog, you're not familiar with the forum. If you're actually surprised and upset that friggin' Disturbed of all bands is being shit on in this forum, you're just lost. This forum has always openly discussed ALL genres of music, but that doesn't mean there isn't a forum-decided standard by which everything below that standard will be attacked when it pops up. Don't make threads here about Disturbed, Dragonforce, Fall Out Boy, N'Sync, or how great St. Anger was if you aren't prepared to catch some shit for it. It has nothing the fuck at all to do with people being closed-minded. This was once-upon-a-time one of the more collectively open-minded music forums you could find. While the golden age has certainly passed, you're giving WAY too much credit to yourself and not near enough credit to the people on this forum. Eat some humble pie.
Naw, actually you and the other Disturbed fans in here are still simply young and have an underdeveloped taste in music. I know it's difficult to hear that, but some day you'll understand.

(See how it sounds when I try to be as assumptive and ridiculous as some of you in here?)

batmura calling people fags for listening to Disturbed does not = "hundreds of threads calling people fags and retarded 12 year olds." If you think this forum is about nothing but prog, you're not familiar with the forum. If you're actually surprised and upset that friggin' Disturbed of all bands is being shit on in this forum, you're just lost. This forum has always openly discussed ALL genres of music, but that doesn't mean there isn't a forum-decided standard by which everything below that standard will be attacked when it pops up. Don't make threads here about Disturbed, Dragonforce, Fall Out Boy, N'Sync, or how great St. Anger was if you aren't prepared to catch some shit for it. It has nothing the fuck at all to do with people being closed-minded. This was once-upon-a-time one of the more collectively open-minded music forums you could find. While the golden age has certainly passed, you're giving WAY too much credit to yourself and not near enough credit to the people on this forum. Eat some humble pie.
I never even said I was a Disturbed fan buddy, as I'm not, and I'm not some little youngin either, so any preconceived notion you have about getting your jollies telling off a kid, you can throw them out the window. The rest of your statement would be all well and good if any of it was true, but since it isn't, I'm not even going to bother replying to it. What I will add though, is that most of the forums I regular are boards for audio engineers, writers, producers, and the like, so I know exactly what people that are actually open minded with music are like, this board doesn't exactly have many of em, but its obvious you are just oblivious to that, so no reason to argue about it.
Do any of you listen to Britney Spears? If you don't, you're closed-minded.
I think you're missing the point. Saying a band is "for fags and al queda sympathizers" pretty much tosses oneself into the closedminded and ignorant category. It's perfectly ok to dislike a band. That however, is another category.

As for "young and ignorant" I would love to discuss your favorite bands any time. No, just any bands. Since Disturbed doesn't even blip the radar on my hit list, I just happen to like a couple songs and thought I would be the voice of reason in a thread that ran rampant with machismo metal fanboyism. It's too bad your profile doesn't show your age. Whipping out the (useless) age card and not even presenting yours, makes me wonder if you're 16. Oh and PS, I happen to like Fall Out Boy. What were you saying about open minded?
"If that's posing, then so be it," the guitarist continued. "To me, I don't think we talk about when we're going to put our foot up on a monitor. That's just silly. It's a natural thing we do. Those guys can say whatever they want. If that's supposed to be a jab at us, am I offended? I don't give a shit. If they're saying it because they're haters, why? Because we sell millions of records and lots of tickets? It sounds more like jealousy to me."

lmao what a DOUCHE

The DEP guitarist comes off as just as much of a douche, the reply at the end is like something a 15 year old would come up with.
Who gives a shit what people think about my opinion on Disturbed? The sound like they play a fucking xylophone being rerecorded through a drumbeat mixer with playskool guitar strings around a wooden box with a vocalist so bad he makes fred durst look like a motherfucking genius.

Oh, and they suck balls. Prove me wrong.
I like my rock, it's comfy. And full of metal.

also while I respect your taste in fantasy novels and location, Kenneth R., you're fighting a losing battle. It has been proven with math and with science that Disturbed really is for fags.
It's simply cause the people on this forum are adverse to being removed from their rocks.

oh come on, you make it sound as if liking disturbed instantly makes you open minded and everyone else are stuck in tr00 metal fanboyism.

also saying a band is for fags is not the same as being closeminded. While it is an utterly useless comment since you provide no argumentation, it is just a more prominent way of saying you dislike a band.