"Dive bomb"-ish effect?


Feb 22, 2010
Gainesville, TX
I couldn't find this anywhere in the forums (possibly wrong search terms?)

How do you do the dive bomb-like effect with a guitar track? Kinda sounds like a wammy bar dive bomb but much more perfect. Similar to a record dying effect but less "cheesy."

Example: A Plea For Purging - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - "Golden Barriers" - 1:30

Brianhood? How did you guys do it?
Cubase. Every time I try to screw the pitch shifting stuff and "elastic audio" type stuff (can't remember what it's called in Cubase at the moment) I get super confused haha. Time to get on YouTube! Will this sound as legit as that Boss pedal?
Why not hav a guitarist do that with his floyd rose?? Just add some reverb and a cool delay.. A lot of guitaist i work with enjoy havin dive bombs haha
The only problem with using a Floyd Rose is that you have to plan on it ahead of time. If you're using a guitar without one for most of the tracking, the dive bomb is going sound out of place. At least I think so. I'll give that a shot. Nobody on here owns a Boss Super Phaser?
check out my studio pages player.

before i forsake - unbreakable

we did real dive bombs after tracking guitars.
we used a guitar in another tuning.
no problems

for the high dive bombs sounds I dont like pitch shifting but for the low its sounds cool.
try reverse a open cord and then fade and pitch it.
sounds even more evil :)
What if I'm not using DI's?

If you've already tracked guitars, you won't get a "Perfect" dive-bomb.

Those really tight sounding dives are either Kahler/Floyd trems during tracking(Unlikely), or (Most likely, if not 100%) Vari-fi, or some other pitch shift effect applied directly to the DI.

Pitch shift the DI, reamp. That's how it's done. I repeat. That's how it's done.

However, you don't seem to be using DI's. What you can do is Automate a pitch shifter to bring down the pitch in time with the music. A good number of people here can instruct you how to do so in cubase.

No, the Boss Super Phaser doesn't do that. BUT

The Boss Super Shifter may be able to do that very same effect, but you'd either have to dial in a very precise setting on the pedal (Which you probably can't) or attach an expression pedal to the unit (which is dumb, cause you can use the Digitech whammy for the same effect). For the most control over your divebomb/pitch drop effect, see my above statement.
Pitch shift the DI, reamp. That's how it's done. I repeat. That's how it's done.

Just in case anyone is ever interested in the future, I decided to text Blake from plea (didn't want to bother him with it at first since I haven't talked to him in a couple years) and he verified what RedDog said.