dixie chicks rocked sydney australia last night

Nope. I can get into folk, blues, and bluegrass. I'll never understand the appeal of country, though I do have a funny story about it.

Ted Nugent was going on and on about how worthless country was, and he happened to bump into Roy Clarke while doing so. Clarke, knowing that Nugent was full of hot air and loudmouthed, openly po-pooed Ted's comments, knowing full well that it would set him off.

Nugent then decided he had no recourse but to challenge Roy to a "notes per second" competition. It wasn't even close, Roy smoked him. :loco:
DoctorX3 said:
Nope. I can get into folk, blues, and bluegrass. I'll never understand the appeal of country, though I do have a funny story about it.

Ted Nugent was going on and on about how worthless country was, and he happened to bump into Roy Clarke while doing so. Clarke, knowing that Nugent was full of hot air and loudmouthed, openly po-pooed Ted's comments, knowing full well that it would set him off.

Nugent then decided he had no recourse but to challenge Roy to a "notes per second" competition. It wasn't even close, Roy smoked him. :loco:
i forgot to mention they had the bluegrass kicking,very talented musicians indeed!!!
I saw them when I went to the CMAs or ACMs(can't keep them straight) awards show in LA a few years back. They sang part of Stand By Your Man as a tribute to Tammy Wynette the year she died. And they did rock. And I was there groupie that night.... :erk: ...I wish.
refuse2Bdenied said:
Your kidding, right?
Nope, not kidding at all, the sisters are cute and Maines will be buns up and kneeling anyway..so bring 'em on. And then TLC next ( 'cept the dead one..ewww) :p
MichiMikey said:
Nope, not kidding at all, the sisters are cute and Maines will be buns up and kneeling anyway..so bring 'em on. And then TLC next ( 'cept the dead one..ewww) :p

Maybe they could be your new 'fishin' buddies'?