Is it a full length or just a single/demo/short Ep? Cause I DIY´d my band´s first demo and everyone was blown away by how professional it looked, but it was just the cardboard sleeve like the ones you get with metal magazines and such, not the actual "digipack" thing
That looks awesome!!, is an EP, that`s why im thinking on this and sell it just in gigs and on a few stores.
Esos los mandaste a hacer en una imprenta local, o alguna compañia de replicado de cds`s? lo que estoy pensando es que me impriman el carton aqui localmente y asi yo mismo doblarlos y pegarlos.
i ordered there 3 times already and the quality was always very good..
here is one of them:
before i knew that, i also made some digipacks by myself, printed out on thick a3 paper, cutted and clued, and put some trays on top of that.. that took alot of time.. its ok for doing 5 pieces.. but i would never want to do 50 again, lol
That looks awesome!!, is an EP, that`s why im thinking on this and sell it just in gigs and on a few stores.
Esos los mandaste a hacer en una imprenta local, o alguna compañia de replicado de cds`s? lo que estoy pensando es que me impriman el carton aqui localmente y asi yo mismo doblarlos y pegarlos.
Lleve el diseño hecho a una imprenta local, yo mismo corte, doble y pegue los 100 empaques, los Cds son CDr pero compre papel de etiqueta para cds e imprimi en casa las etiquetas, se ve bastante profesional para ser 100% hecho en casa, y super barato.
Este es una foto del diseño de la etiqueta del CDr
I would highly reccomend this super cheap method if you care about cost but still want a good looking design, if you can find a place that can print the cardboard for cheap (my place was super cheap) and have a girlfriend who can help with the cutting and glueing, you should do this. In the end you can link to the website for any extra "booklet" like info, cause you´re obviously not including a booklet with this