Djent as F*CK Double Drop D

Fucked up guitar playing (I mean it in a good way!) :D

The drums in the blast beat sections sound like they're being played by a transformer robot holding an oak tree as a drum stick (that's not a good thing). You should make the hits softer if you want it to sound a bit more realistic but maybe you want it to be larger than life (more like larger than the sun) and then it's ok I guess.

The mix is really cool but what's up with the guitars sounding as if they're inside my head? Must be some very strange phase issues going on because it doesn't sound like the sound is coming from the speakers. Sounds more like when you have 2 tracks of the same source, pan L and R, then phase flip one of them.
Yeah I never really understood that whole phasing thing. I mean I understand HOW it happens, and I know how it SOUNDS, but I don't understand WHY.
And what does flipping the phase do exactly?