DJENT clip, need advice on tone, and DRUMS


Dec 30, 2010
Hey guys please listen to this short clip of a riff i am working on.

1. How does the overall mix sound? It sounds like it could be a little more cohesive to me, but i dont know what to do from here

2. DRUMS, i feel like the drums should be taking up more space in the mix, there is no bass in this recording yet so that might help fill it out a little more, but i still feel like the drums are lacking space.

3. Tone, it think it sounds pretty good but i would like feedback

4. What do you think of the riff in general?

Thanks guys and hope to hear constructive criticism AS BALLS.mp3
Sounds pretty good for something rough imo, guitars are a little too forward for my taste and the whole mix could use a little glue. Definitely need to add the bass, it plays a major part in the final tone of the guitars and the whole mix.
YES, glue exactly what i am talking about, how would you suggest i glue this together better?
and by guitars being forward do you mean too prevalent in the mix as in i should kind of turn them down a bit?

Any help would be great, i have attempted to make this sound as good as i can, but i just dont really know where to go from here.
I'm assuming the drums are midi, but a lot of the hits feel massively out of time. It sounds like someone played it while drunk.

Like for instance, on the beginning of the second repetition of the start riff, the cymbals cut out, and come in on one, except it feels like it's more on 1.25

Edit: It wouldn't make sense for cymbal hits to randomly end if it were midi, so is it live drums then?
no they are out of time lol, i basically just threw this together real quick and i am more focusing on the "production" like the mix and master than the actual music itself lol
they aren't midi they are just hits replaces with drumagog. I don't think its the hits but its the hi hat that is out, any other production tips for a more professional sound would be greately appreciated (although putting in in time would obviously make it sound more professional lol)
I kind of like the first tone better aside from the guitars being too loud. It's a little boxy but its got more character. The second one just sounds a little duller and boring. No offense tho its a better tone than ive been able to come up with so far.
I would first just get the levels where they feel right, when I'm mixing I have to keep going back and watching my levels but when I do I find my mix sounds more cohesive. Also a little reverb on the guitars might soften the edges and glue them together in the mix a little better. Not to much, you don't want them to swim or anything but just enough. I liked the second mix better but I am listening through headphones at the moment.

Remember: The faders are your friends, start simple - volume first :-)

Looking forward to hearing more
