Djent from Dubai (+noob glitch content)

sounds thin, guitars are abit fuzzy, with abit of work the song would sound really nice.
do the drums have any processing? the snare sounds really dry, try addin abit of verb.
sound bits of the sound goes abit untight, try edit them abit

Guitars sound thin? or the mix as a whole sounds weak?
This is dual tracked, so i'll prbly quad track it once i get it tight enough.

Any idea how i can get more definition in my tone, i feel that part of the reason for the recording sounding untight is the tone
(For lack of a better adjective, i feel the distortion is lazy BAAAAOWWWW )

my chain is TSE808 (Drive - 9 'o clock, Tone - 12'o clock, Gain, Volume - 1'o clock) -> TSEx30 (Gain - 11',everything else close to 12')- keFir (fearcomplexmusic
orangecab impulse)
i think there is alot of high mids / treble or gain. try turn it down a lil bit, do a lp around 12khz or experiment, try a few dips around the high mid regions
mainly the fuzz i believe, and does this have a bass? i can't hear it if so
I did lp around 12k if i remember right.

Bass is pitch shifted guitar, it sounds like shit so its very low in the mix.

Ill try to add more reverb on the snare, how about the rest of the drums?

Thanks for the advice man :D
I firstly listened to the lo-fi then the hi-fi

I think the guitars sound way better in the lo-fi stream haha. Aren't djent guitars normally supposed to be rather dark?
Ok, so it looks like I'll have to borrow a friends bass and record over the weekend,
will have a new mix ready soon

Thanks for the comments ya'll!