Technical instrumental (MF, Axefx, Sturgis samples)


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
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I feel the general reaction you'll get from people on this recording is that the guitar sounds like a simulator and the drums sound programmed. Personally I feel like the construction of this song musically makes up for any mixing/mastering flaws. Besides, you'll find many bands are into the sound you've achieved in this mix. Good work on the song.
Thanks for the replies!
spencerlogan: do the drums sound really programmed to you? I tried to tweak it to make it sound as 'human' as possible, what could I change?
MatrixClaw & Monsterbash333: yeah I noticed it too after further listenings, kinda strange, I don't really understand why they are so bright. I'll fix that ^^
Ahah I removed some low end to the kick because I thought it had too much. Strange, I already lowered the snare quite a lot, I feel like it I lower it more it'll be buried in the mix :/ I'll try and see, thanks ^^
Don't think it comes from the MP3 quality, been compressing my other songs that way too and never got this upper frequencies problem before. Think it comes from the master, put Izotope Ozone on it, must have done something wrong in it.
Thanks for the replies!
spencerlogan: do the drums sound really programmed to you? I tried to tweak it to make it sound as 'human' as possible, what could I change?

Make sure you're alternating between several different hits when you're on hard, medium or soft velocities, and make sure to switch up the velocities when needed to make it sound real.

About the cymbals, I would just compress them lightly. Sturgis cymbals are golden.
Awesome track dude. Sounds very "Sikth"ish. These are just my opinions, strictly a personal outlook but I think the kick could use a little boost in the 5k region to give it a nice click to it. And maybe a little scoop of the "cardboard" in the 250hz range to hollow it out some. Make it sound fatter and makes the guitars heavier sounding. Snare fits well. Cymbals could come down some or just bring down the 12-15khz in them so their not as bright cause they are pretty much up front. Last but not least try and take more time when your tracking the guitars and get them as tight as possible. I'm sure this track is a bitch to play, especially multiple times when tracking, but it's kinda obvious that some parts are sloppy because they have this "chorus" effect due to it. If you could get this track tight as fuck with the guitars it would make a night and day difference with just that alone. All in all you did a great job. I dig the track and the production is defiantly there it just needs the bugs worked out. Good luck. Would love to hear more.
Robert Landrum: wow thank you so much for this! I'll try out everything you told me, especially concerning the kick and cymbals! You're totally right about that "chorus" effect on the guitars, quad tracked them and some parts were not recorded as tightly as they should have been :( I don't know if I'll be able to record everything again, the upgrade to Firmware 1.1 changed my tone a bit, as for using a Tascam US1800 instead of my toneport UX1, and as this song will be part of an EP I'm planning on releasing soon, I can't have just ONE song sounding differently than the others ahah, and recording them all would take too much time :( Anyway, I'll get to work on the mixing and see how things evolve :) thanks a lot again!