New instrumental (Axefx, MF)


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
Hey guys! I just posted a new instrumental song, which is quite faster and nastier than what I used to do (hence the title). I'd really like it if you could give me some criticism on the mixing, I think I'm slowly getting there but there are still some points that could be improved.

Here's the thing:

Soundcloud Page and

Sounclick :)

Thanks in advance!
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Seems youre going for that dent tone a little? Guitars ARE a little boxy even though that kind of comes with the territory when going for that djent tone (the upper mid range) think you just got a little aggressive with that. So yeah I'd say lose a little there. Bass would have to come up a little as well. Not really into this kind of metal but you got some sick riffs in there dude.
Guitars could get more highs to my ears, but beside that it sounds really cool, I LOVE the sound effect at 0:10 :D
Ahah thanks a lot guys! Yeah I was quite aiming for a djenty like tone, and got lost a bit carried away ^^
I'll try to fix that by cutting some frequencies as you suggested, and add more bass (don't know why I said "lower" in my previous post, my have been really tired).