New rough mix (axefx, MF)


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
Alright, I recorded this song two days ago and decided to mix and master it, just because I was curious to hear how the final result could sound. It's rough and kinda sloppy at some parts, but the preview is here. What do you think of it? It's really different from what I posted earlier, I hope you'll like it! Any advices or criticism is welcomed!
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This song is great! The snare might be a bit too loud though. It also needs some more reverb on it maybe? Maybe it's just the sample you used. I don't particularly like the way it sounds.
Thanks guys! It's just a rough mix so yeah there's plenty of things that need to be changed. Don't really know what to do to make the sound a bit wiser :/ any tips? The snare is joey sturgis's, trigged using drumagog, it's a bit loud yeah, I'll fix that.
I used the axefx for the bass, and a Schecter Stiletto Custom 5, yet I'm having quite a tough time trying to dial a nice bass tone :/ Plus, I tend to like bright bass tones, more aggressive, with less low end and more mid-highs ^^
Still I think that yeah the volume is a bit too low here.
All synths and effects were done with the axefx, cleans with delays, pitch shifter and a shitload of reverb ahah