Djent w/ pod?

It's hard to make it NOT sound Djent. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating, but yeah, Djent is Pod

This. In its entirety, this.

Even the amp models not driven towards "that dirty word" have an inherent characteristic lending itself to the articulation of that style. Scooped low mids, boosted upper mids, boomy lows and scratchy highs seem to be on the menu for the most part.

Having said that, I've just re-inherited my XT after my other guitarist borrowed it on long-term basis, and I have to say that; after a 6 month or so absence from it, I approached it in an entirely new light and have created some EXTREMELY usable mid-rich grindy death metal tones that really slay!

So remember kids: Line 6 gear is for life, not just for djentmas.
Wasn't the djent tone pretty much invented on a pod? Also, wrong forum.

Meshuggah did it all the way back in the 90s, with real amps.
Funny that too, since "DEI" and "Chaosphere" tones sound 100x better than any of the amp sim POD tones that came about since "Nothing"
Meshuggah did it all the way back in the 90s, with real amps.
Funny that too, since "DEI" and "Chaosphere" tones sound 100x better than any of the amp sim POD tones that came about since "Nothing"

While I guess you're right, I owned those records for 10+ years before I ever heard the word "djent" which I associate with Bulb, the pod and superior drummer.