pod farm compatibility (xt, x3...)

Sep 15, 2008
hey guys,
pod farm is available like vst plugin for all line 6 devices but...pod farm tone direct is not available for x3, xt, ... users.

i have x3, i have to use gearbox for direct tone, correct? some method to use pod farm tone direct with x3,xt???????
like vst plugin, you record guitar signal with a interface. i´ve presonus firebox and will i get good DI signal connecting my guitar to mic/instr preamp? or you record clean signal with POD and then you insert pod farm?

thanks a lot,
I got pod farm free with my x3 and I don't think offer the direct version to the free users. I've got pretty lame-ass results using the X3 in bypass. I guess Sean In Silence had that experience with the pod DI as well, if I can recall correctly. So yeh, get a good DI, send the 'parallel out' to your pod and monitor that. If you're using active pickups a DI isn't mandatory. Just split the signal, send one to the pod and one to the interface.
please, explain this: "Just keep it within roughly -6db to -3db of gain to maintain a good signal to noise ratio."

i connect my guitar to my firebox preamp and i record my signal.
and then, in nuendo, i load pod farm to my track.
Your input level should be around that range. We basically want to get the signal as far away from the noise floor as possible, but at the same time avoiding clips. If the signal's too low, we're gonna have a hard time using the noise gate + that could affect your tone to an extent. And if the signal's clipping, oh well...
Just keep it above -6db. Check it out from the meters while recording - in nuendo or your interface's control panel.

Hope that helps.


Edit: Lame-ass typo.
Oh yes, you don't need a DI in that case. Go ahead. Just keep it within roughly -6db to -3db of gain to maintain a good signal to noise ratio.

I'm currently using a Presonus TubePre: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TubePRE

how are you liking the TubePre?
do you go Guitar -> tubepre -> Interface?

I was wondering, since I own a Presonus Firepod, is it useful to get a TubePre as well for DI recordings? or is a normal DI better then? Thinking about buying a Little Labs. I own a BSS AR-133 DI already.