do metalheads go dancing?

You can't be metal and dance at the same time. It's just not right. But if you are metal and someone catches you dancing you can sometimes get out of it by saying you were really really drunk. But I don't dance neither cuz I gots no rythm.
most metalheads are clumsy clods who probably couldn't dance no matter how hard they tried. I do assume that Greg falls very squarely into this category.

and yeah, dancing ain't metal.
so like, there's a diff between liking metal, and being an actual metalhead. and being a metalhead means you can't dance? GOD IT'S LIKE FOOTLOOSE!
i am clumsy but i have done my share of dancing in the past. i don't actively seek out doing it but i have been known to let my feet fly every now and then. i am not saying it looks good but i also don't have a big problem making an ass out of myself sometimes in public.