Do no open this thread!!!

I post here, fuck, just had some meat and fish and been drinking since yesterday and finished the recordings...
MadeInNewJersey said:
I'm seriously STILL fucking hungover. I want to die. But I have to get to the bar in 3 hours. Ugh.

Fuck hangover, I woke up with headache after 16 cans of beer, took 1 pill and some vitamins and now drinking is good again, 10 gone 8 to be destoyed :D .

And wathing Metallica DVD '92.
Fireeööööö.....Blackened, yeah!

Hell yeah, my better half is on her parents, so I'm without any guidance and what that leads to = total boozing and dorking around! Hell yeah!!

Merry pagan fests to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You failed.

Wait, I just opened/posted the thread. :ill:
I liked Varg Vikernes' rant about Santa Claus really being an ultra-racist european deity who only gave presents to the fair skinned and light eyed children.