Do Scott, Charlie and John age??!!!??


Feb 14, 2002
Man they still look young!!! Did they make a pack with the devil or something! Arent they in their 40's. Excluding Rob. I remember the Anthrax behing the music and the did a close up of Frank and he did seen to age a bit but he still looks young. I think Frank is in his late thirties? Joey and Danny aged a lot. But for some reason John, Scott and Charlie still look like they did in 1994 and its 2004!
Me and my friend have a theory about this. For some reasons musicians age well and I think it's because they rock all the time and have active lifestyles. The guys in Velvet Revolver have aged well.

I'm trying to steal a page out of their book. I'm 27 and everyone thinks I'm 22, or 23. I know that's not much of a stretch. I look younger than my younger brother.
scott looks older in the NFV video way back then, than he does NOW! it's nuts!
charlie looks young too. maybe the short/bald hair has something to do with it?

correct me if i'm wrong but scott and charlie are non smokers aren't they?
LOAroberto said:
Yeah me too man. I'm 29 and everyone thinks I'm 23. And I'm like no dude I'll be 30 in like 5 months! I think Metal keeps you young.
LoL, me too. I'm 30 in April, and most people think I'm much younger. The funny thing is: At work, most people think, I'm older. My friends think I'm much younger.

My theory: Longhaired guy wearing Metal-Shirts all the time? Has no children? Sleeps till afternoon? Collects CDs & LPs and goes to metal gigs every month? THAT guy must be under 25 :hotjump:

I don't know about this because I thought I read once that Scott said that he shaves his head because it was headed in that direction anyway(of course this is paraphrased and get be way off). :grin:

Alex - I think you're right about most of Velvet Revolver but Duff looks old to me.

I used to get carded a lot(even for smokes) up until the last 3-4 years. Now I'm a fat old bastard I guess. :loco:
anthrax are one of the few metal bands that didnt do the excess drugs and alcohol thing when they were starting out,i have read interviews with scott ian saying they did things sorta backwards,further saying it felt wierd to actually have a few beers after a show now.