Well just as they were about to hit the stage tonight Charlie, Frank and Joey came onto the stage and said that Scott was in the hospital with severe food poisoning and would be there overnight. They said they didn't want to cancel the show so they played with just one guitar. Since Jon moves around even less than Rob did Frank and Joey stepped up the intensity and did a great job. I gotta admit Charlie kinda seemed like he was lying when he said it though, I guess we'll know soon enough if it's something else. That and no Exodus because they were banned
I still had a great time though surprisingly, I loved Municipal Waste and I met some cool people. They played all of Among except Imitation Of Life, not sure why. They still did I'm the Man, Frank did all the vocals. They should've gave Rob a call, Volbeat is in town for their performance at the Citrus Bowl tomorrow, I'll be there. Other than Among they played In the End, Madhouse, Anti-social, Got the Time.