Do you folks like coffee?


Aug 30, 2001
I was having a really shitty day on Wednesday. I was irritated with work and not excited about the festivities of the coming evening. I wasn't very happy at all when our receptionist brought me a package that would change the entire mood of my day haha.

"Here's a package for you" she says. It was an average sized box and the return address from was a coffee company. I thought "Why in the hell would anyone send me coffee at work through the mail?" Well, I opened it up and here's what I saw:


HAHAHAHAHH! I L'dOL big time after just the first sentence and a couple co-workers even came over to see what the hilarity was about. This is when I had to start explaining the whole "I am a legend" thing haha. Here's the full letter:


Now for the best part! A black bag of coffee beans with a Dave Mustaine sticker slapped onto it haha.


Thanks Dave, you saved the day yet again. I couldn't stop smiling after this package showed up haha. Now, if I only had a coffeemaker...
Neal's half right. It's not world wide syndicated... unless you listen online haha.
i wish Dave would send me a cup of coffee! i originally thougt this was ging to have to do with dethklok... but dave mustaine coffee? thats fantastic. let us know it tastes.
I use whole beans, btw.
I absolutely love the smell of fresh grinded beans (i grind my coffee 'on the wall') and the taste of coffee from a coffee plunger. The coffee i drink is a Brazilain, biological coffeebean.
"Fazenda Lambari". It's a bit woolly, sweet bean and it drinks pleasantly.
I hate it when coffee makes your tongue feel like leather and this coffeebean doesn't do that.

I like my coffee best at a sunny sundaymorning in the garden, in early august.
Swallows play above my head, eggs the sunny side up' with bacon for breakfast,
orangejuice and a fresh cup of coffee :)

My nostalgic 'Delfts Blauw' handpainted dutch coffeegrinder:
I'm totally sober. How can you listen to a song like Tornado of Souls and say that Megadeth doesn't shred hard?!
I don't listen, period. The "Big Four" are in a genre I've never moved into very far. Regardless, I'd probably try his coffee.