Do you hate when...

One morning I was eating a bowl of cinnamon life cereal and there was a square of it dangling from my chin. What the fuck? How could that be? So I grabbed it and it was attached to long hair, and i pulled the hair up and in the bowl of cereal was a huge ball of hair... I chucked the bowl into the sink and ran away crying.
One morning at school, 2nd period, I realized that there was something in my eye, I tried to take it out, but there was nothing in there. All day, I had something in my eye, but nothing was there when I looked. I got home, and was taking my makeup off, and plucked my eyebrows, and then I noticed something weird in my eye ball. Well, it was hair. A whole strand of hair was attached to my head, but was curled around my eyeball, and it was like that all day. I had to like..gently pull it out of my eye, it kind of hurt a little. I had to put visine in my eyes after, lol.
ROTFL! This thread is getting funny! :lol:

Well, my hair is past my elbows now and it's very very rare for me to have hair in my mouth.
98% of the time, my hair is pulled back in an elastic, while 99.9% of the time im wearing a baseball the hair in the mouth thing doesnt happen very often....but when it does, it sucks. a lot.