crack you like an acorn
2 out of 2 brazilians i have in my contact list are hotter than my coffee... don't blame us! blame statistics! 

we need to see a picOriginally posted by BurningAngel
hmm... mr.Bodom-Board... ME!!!![]()
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
hahhaa geez just when you think you seen all in this world, you stump into a bunch of black metallists discussing their celullities problems...
i think i have none but i wouldn't know, i don't spend too much time staring at my ass either you know
2 out of 2 brazilians i have in my contact list are hotter than my coffee... don't blame us! blame statistics!![]()
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
ok... no... we wouldn't need it, because i will win anyway![]()
take a guessOriginally posted by bodomite
Scarlet are u man or woman? I cant tell.