Do You Know???


Jun 8, 2004
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
A thread not really Saxon-related, but it may prove to make interesting chat!

Who do we know out there in the Rock music industry? Are there any interesting stories to tell?

Has anyone heard of a band called 'The 4ft Fingers'?
Well, i think the best i can do is:

I used to jam on guitar with a guy (who was a guitarist and singer) and he had applied for the job as Priest's vocalist when rob left......He has the rejection letter to prove it :tickled: Tell you though he had a wicked voice and could get the high notes etc.

The band i was in NEVER played a gig and NEVER released anything.....we were really into the Anti-Fame thing you could say :loco:

Glenn Tipton once gave me a guitar pick, but i wouldnt say we are mates or anything :hotjump:

"The 4ft Fingers" ? nope, cant say ive ever had the pleasure, my god that sounds terrible !!! funny name though!
Cool story, Valanx - I bet your old jamming mate must think 'What if?..' every day! Man, even getting a rejection slip from JP is cool!! He must've been a pretty good vocalist to have the confidence to go for the job - I hope this experience didn't knock his confidence too much.
The band that I was in weren't into the 'Fame' kind of thing, but we did about 4 demo albums, and played loads of gigs - all of it with our own material. We played pubs and clubs to pay for studio time. My best experiences were when we played short sets at a couple of festivals in Cheltenham Town Hall and Gloucester Guild Hall. Nothing special, but a proper, paying audience of a few hundred!
Valanx - you've got Tipton's plectrum! Very cool You may not be mates with the guy, but that is something to cherish! I wish I was lucky enough to get an item from the Saxon guys when they played at Wolves last year! I was so close!! Would've been even better if I could have had that funny coat that Biff put on for a laugh during the gig!

I ask about the "4ft Fingers" because I have heard of them, but not 'Heard' their music, if you what I mean? They are a Punk Rock band that tour constantly, and have recently finished a tour in America.
Anyway, the other day, I was walking up the communal stairs to my flat and I bumped into the guy that lives below me. Being the friendly chap that I am, I said 'Hi' as I had not seen the guy for weeks and weeks. My neighbour noticed the Judas Priest top I was wearing and asked, 'Are you going to see them?'. Obviously impressed by his knowledge that JP had recently reformed and are touring I answered that I was and how I love my Rock music and how I was in a band blah, blah, blah...
My neighbour then mentioned that he was in a band and played bass. I replied that we ought to have a jam some time for a laugh. He then went onto say that he had just come back from the states and needed to take a break for a couple of weeks. Obviously, I asked what he meant, and then he told me that his band had just finished a Stateside tour.
After about half an hour of talking on the stairs, my neighbour's lady came out and obviously sent out signs that our time of chatting was up. Afterwards, I checked out the band's website and everything is there - albums, tours and members.

I understand that this band are not exactly huge, but they are a proper band - and by 'proper', I mean that they do it for a living. It just seems strange that this guy has a place below me and I was not aware of it!

Other brushes with artists:
I recently has a great chat with the guy that used to be the singer of the English band EMF (remember them?) It was a work related situation, so after I got business over and done with, we had a great chat about what he was doing now and, weirdly, an insightful converstation of how great Zeppelin were!
Also work related - a Legal Adviser whom I work with is the uncle of Gaz from SuperGrass. I should be getting free tickets soon!
nightwar said:
Would've been even better if I could have had that funny coat that Biff put on for a laugh during the gig! QUOTE]

I threw Biff that coat! Well, via hitting someone on the head with it first!

Valanx - Glen Tipton plectrum? Just as well you didn't get Rob Halfords rectum! :lol:

Can't say I have any 'musical stories' or have met someone in a band etc. I did stand behind Deidre Barlow in Jacobs in Manchester at lunch time today though, if that counts!
Deidre Barlow now thats just so 'Metal' paxoman :headbang: and yeah thank god it was glenns plectrum and not the other thing you said :yuk: lol

Yeah that guy i was talking about, i think he was pleased about actually getting a reply, i forgot to mention that he sent them a tape of himself and i think he was happy they didnt send it back, he'd say,that he'd like to they that they had kept it.

After that he just kept going really, i think it was a good story for him to carry around like.

Hey nightwar i think im inspired to try and get to know my neighbours now.... never know who i might be living next door to.. lol knowing my luck it would be fucking eminem!!! :loco:

Oh yeah i remember the name EMF but thats about it!
The best I can offer is me and my mate had a beer with Quinny after the show in Osnabruck. He just appeared at the bar.It was a place called Hyde Park and after the band went off the place turned into a nightclub and filled up with Townies. This was the same place I had the misfortune to encounter a load of squaddies mistreating the locals.Scum! Anyway,I dug out my ticket stub and it's got Quinny's autograph on the back. I can't even remember getting it,but that'll be down to over-consumption of wheat beer! Top bloke! :worship:
I was for 3 weeks in ( IIRC 2000 ) on tour as security/hand with Blackmore's Night. Now, Blackmore is a weird guy, but when you understand how he ticks, you can life with that, what was a real pain was his mother-in-law, Carrol Stevens, manager as well...the worst combination possible.

At the end of the tour in Meissen, the whole crew was wearing shirts saying "We survived the dragon tour".

Band and Ritchie were cool, even Candice, but this mother-in-law-bitch... dragon is a nice discription for her...seriously.
Paxo, regarding the coat at the Wolves gig - you are a genius! That was a comedy classic! When Biff put it on and it was about 10 sizes too small for him, yet he kept it on regardless and, if I can recall, broke into another song! That is simply something you need to call a 'one off' and I will never forget it! I was cracking up!
And, as for Deidre Barlow - that is so bad it's cool! The ultimate Rock Chick!
Cool story, though!

Valanx - Ha! Yeah, if your neighbour is Eminem, shoot him four times in the face for me! That's the kind of stuff he digs, ain't it? Seriously, though, it is amazing what happens if you manage to find a decent opportunity to talk to people - if you chat long enough, you can always find a connection.
Bert - now that is just about the best way to meet one of your favourite musicians. Bumping into Quinny at a bar? I'm sure I would say something crap! This all depends on how drunk I was at the time! Was this for the 'Killing Ground' Tour?

Delly M - Yeah, I've heard that Ritchie Blackmore is kind of difficult, but ok when you get to know him. But how the Hell did he fall for the Mother-In-Law situation? Man, that is one of the first laws of business - leave your family at home! Espicially the bloody Mother-In-Law! I presume that she must've have been fundamental in regard to his early carrer. Otherwise, why Mr Blackmore!!!???
The guy was a great guitarist, though, and was responsible for 'Rainbow Rising', so I'm sure I can forgive him!
You must have more funny tales to tell, Kelly - if you think it is ok, I reckon you ought to indulge us!

Regarding 4 ft Fingers - I honestly could not tell you anything more other than a few of my work mates have heard of the band (one bought an album a while back) and here is the link to the official site:
lol only four times nightwar ?? nah, maybe it would be better if i was to roll up my sleves and get my hands dirty hehe!

Paxoman - i still cant get over it 'The metal Goddess' .. man! you must know my envy of you knows no bounds

Valanx - Yeah, using something really blunt and rusty (for example, old garden shears!)to dig out Eminem's face would be very funny! But, then again, simply kicking the shit out of the little baby and watching him squirm would be hilarious too!
Eminem From 'The Street'? - my Arse!

On another matter - anyone out there remember a band called 'Killing Joke'?
Another story ensues...
You know, my sister really makes me sick sometimes, years ago she used to be really into metallica and stuff (i even went with her to see them) and now all she has playing in her car is fucking eminem!!!

A few weeks before xmas she asked me if i would download some of his crap and put it onto cd's for her.....i didnt actually mind doing that coz at least that meant she was'nt paying for that garbage! still t'was a pain in the ass like 10 albums *yawn* all filler no doubt !

Yeah id kill him in some "Cannabal Corpse" songs kind of way!!!
"Mummified in barbwire" "Hatchet to the Head" and the best one
"Bent backwards and broken"

I remember the band Killing Joke but that was only because i knew a fucking annoying girl who used to go on and on about them all the time! "Hey ive never heard them ok" and er....... "Hatchet to the Head" !!! lol . . .
man, she was a proper bitch !
nightwar said:
Bert - now that is just about the best way to meet one of your favourite musicians. Bumping into Quinny at a bar? I'm sure I would say something crap! This all depends on how drunk I was at the time! Was this for the 'Killing Ground' Tour?

It certainly was.
Bert - Cool! You are an owner of a soul that has been blessed by the Quinn! I respect you, Sir!! I honestly do not know what I would have said! Knowing me, in order not to sound like a sad tosser, I would've used casual chat! example: 'Hi, Quinny. how did you feel your guitar sound was tonight?', 'Hi, Quinny. Biff seemed on form tonight, yeah?', 'Hi, Quinny. You pulled off the 'Crusader' solo excellently tonight.'
Or, more ironically: 'Hi, Quinny. Nice gig, Mate. Can you name the drummer that played for you tonight?'
Although, realistically, I think I would've just offered the guy a drink and took the conversation form there, you know?
Valanx - you have such a way with words, My Good Man!!
Your sister sounds like a real pain - I mean, Metallica to Eminem? Eh?!!! Anyhoo, try and look on the positive side. She could be into Busted or whatever shit they call rock music these days!! All I could think of saying to your sister is: "Eminem? He is soooo Nineties!!!!" The kids hate that kind of critical shit, yeah?
Regarding 'Killing Joke' - yeah, they were very, very cultish. So if you did have the experience of bumping into a fan, you could have been in for a painfull ride!
Anyhow - I mentioned this because of the topic: my junior school teacher (Mrs Coleman) was Killing Jokes singer's Mum! I never really thought much of it until I saw her son's band on 'Top Of The Pops' a couple of times during the early eighties. Mrs Coleman would sometimes hand out promotional stuff, like posters, to us kids. The image of the band - and its artwork - were always pretty scary! No wonder I'm warped!!
Apparently, her son ran off to India - or something like it - for awhile, but they've now got back together to perform and record stuff.
First famous neighbours then school teachers with famous sons!!! mate maybe we should be moving to Cheltenham, it sounds like THE place to be :headbang: lol

Killing Joke = cultish ! indeed !! i much prefer this little saXon cult we have going on here, its great! and suppose the main different is saXon's music is damn awesome to boot!
Don't know if anybody here on this board has ever heard of Alice in Chains a local band from here in Seattle Wa but the original bassist was a school mate of mine one Michael Starr.

Also way back in 1981 I got the opprotunity chat with Joe Elliot, Rick Allen,
and god rest his soul Steve Clark after a gig here in Seattle, they were on tour in support of 'High & Dry' great show and nice guys, funny about this show was they were the opening act and a southern rock band called Black Foot were the headliner sad to say after the Leps got off the stage the place pretty much was empty.