Do you like photos, man?

Toooootally offtopic, but did you make that picture with bandnames yourself?
Or is there (I sincerely hope) some sort of band-name-with-black-background-creator on the interwebs :kickass:
Toooootally offtopic, but did you make that picture with bandnames yourself?
Or is there (I sincerely hope) some sort of band-name-with-black-background-creator on the interwebs :kickass:

made it in microsoft paint

just throw in a black background with the bucket thing
then go onto google images and look up "(band name) logo" medium sized

just copy and paste the logo you want from the google page (perfect size right there)

On topic: Leo was my favorite too. That 70's Show ended because of that guy who kind of took eric's place sucked nuts and no one liked watching him.
I always thought that guy who replaced eric was funny. He should have just been an addtion to the gang, Foreman should have stayed in the show. But hell 8 seasons is good enough right??? Leo is awesome. If youve never watched Cheech & Chong "Up in Smoke" you all should.