Do you like to write music reviews?


Just thought I'd throw this out there since I know people on this forum have good taste in music if they like Suspyre :) Not only am I Suspyre's manager, but I also run the progressive music webzine, USA Progressive Music.

I am looking for some more 'staff' ... writing reviews, doing interviews, taking photos at concerts, covering festivals, etc. It doesn't pay but you get lots of free stuff, and lots of fun opportunities :) We don't cover just prog metal, but also other subgenres of prog so you have to be open-minded but I do try to match my writers up with the type of prog music they like.

If you are interested, please send an email to

Shit, I'd love to do something like this, but I bet my age will be a factor. Do you have to be at least 18 to do this? I turn 17 on September 5th :/
Check my sig....

I work for a metal webzine already, as a matter of fact. Reviewer, interviewer, forum mod, and a general jack of all trades. And I am short on time for that place already, otherwise I might be interested.

If I come across anyone else that I think might be interested in strictly prog (Living for Metal caters to all genres of metal) I will point them in your direction.