Do you remember your first day at school?


Real World's Mad Girl
it was just a thought that struck me !

im back in children land..... and it was reception class. they all had their first day today .
all very sweet but it made me giggle a bit.. most of them think they are there for 5 days and that is it.
but its kind of cruel that all these little kids really dont know what they are in for !!!!!

i must admit they are all really great - i had a great day reading stories and doing easy work like sewing a lace through holes on a card !!!!
im still bloody knackered !!!!

i remember my own first day.... my mum took me into the wrong bloody school!!!! there were two next to each other .. one catholic.. one not. and my mum took me into the non catholic even though i knew it wasnt right cuz it didnt have blue walls !!!!!! i remember nothing else except the boys wearing shorts in the winter and my teacher telling me she liked my shoes!
Gawd ya taking me back...

Yeah i vaguely remember it.

I was 5 (i didnt go pre school) and i cried for hours demanding to go back home. infact i didnt stop crying all day :s
Are you allowed to break out the seven times table on the first week? What about the chemistry text book for a quick spelling test?

It's good to know you're helping out with the future though MG. See, some of us are good for something ;)
My first day at primary school is beyond my memory levels

I remember my first day at secondary school tho, I had to sit in my tutor room with the rest of my tutor group and we had to pass a ball of wool around while saying our names (of course, by the end of the first week you wanted to forget as many as them as possible).
we did the same thing with a teddy today.. u couldnt talk unless u were holding the teddy..... and then u had to say my name is..... and i like.. and if u were too shy to talk to the class u could whisper it in his ear !

erm ok....

im not surprised u dont remember - starting school is fairly traumatic - jesus - i have to do this for a nother 14 years or summat!!!!
So, did the teddy come round to you today? If it did what was your reply? I don't think, "Hello, my name is Madgirl", would go down too well. Or were you too shy?
aaaahhhh the good times

milk and cookies for break

afternoon nap

reading stories

playing with lego

kiss chasing

anyway enough of what i did today

school sucked
In my short 2 year stint as a part time teacher, i have muchos respect for anyone who does it for MORE than 3 hours a week :lol:

'sir, sir, how do you install games?'

'listen closely young padawan, and i shall tell all...'
Originally posted by Dan W
So, did the teddy come round to you today? If it did what was your reply? I don't think, "Hello, my name is Madgirl", would go down too well. Or were you too shy?

No i said my name is MISS XXXXX and i like CHOCOLATE!!!!

i spose i coulda tried the MG/ 54 one but as most of the kids dont even know what 20 is the concept of 54 would be above them