Do you still check the "Rate my mix" section ?


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
There is more and more threads going there, too many to listen to, most people are one-time posters there (or quite never post anywhere else) which doesn't help attracting me. Not that I don't want to welcome new people, it's just I know 80% of them just post their song and expect immediate advice.

Also to me it sounds like too few projects are interesting to listen to, there.

It's a shame because I have learnt so much from listening an reading from you in this section over my first years here (a few years ago in 2007 or 2008), and I don't think I have improved recently also because of that (the main reason being I haven't spent time tweaking and experimenting for a long time).

Is it the same for you, or do you still spend a lot of time there ?
I can't remember the last time I checked it. It's a bummer cause it used to be way more common to find some awesome shit in there. Now I would rather get a paper cut on my peehole than venture into that section of the forum.
We just had a midnight launch!



maybe.....maybe if you spam enough youll get signed.

oh wait.. you are that "hey i waant to tour but im broke, give me money" guy. :err:

good luck with your outdated melodeath band in 2012.

I think this is a perfect example of the AS forum nowadays
maybe.....maybe if you spam enough youll get signed.

oh wait.. you are that "hey i waant to tour but im broke, give me money" guy. :err:

good luck with your outdated melodeath band in 2012.

I think this is a perfect example of the AS forum nowadays

maybe.....maybe if you spam enough youll get signed.

oh wait.. you are that "hey i waant to tour but im broke, give me money" guy. :err:

good luck with your outdated melodeath band in 2012.

I think this is a perfect example of the AS forum nowadays

Can't say we're particularly interested in getting signed at this point and yeah from asking for some financial help we got $150 and £1500 sponsorship which helped us pay for merch.

Not sure why you're so sour but hey, that's completely your choice.

I came to my conclusions when you claimed that 1, My band was melodeath 2, We were outdated and 3, You started acting sour for no reason.

Music doesn't have an expiry date last time I checked, you either like it or don't.

I hope whichever endeavors you venture into in life give you the success and memories you are looking for. Sorry you feel the need to try and bring mine down.

Good day.
For some reason my covers gone to rate my mix section... It wasn't about rating anything, just sharing...
Anyway, I think the post number restriction is a good option (maybe a reputation system?)
Yeah I rarely check it out because of the volume of one time posters posting their bedroom mixes and what not. Never even posted my mixes in there because I know the second I do they will drop to the bottom of the page anyways like many of the threads that get no replies there.

On the other hand I feel like more and more people are posting their own stuff outside of the rate my mix section so I guess the desire to share mixes is certainly still present.
Can't say we're particularly interested in getting signed at this point and yeah from asking for some financial help we got $150 and £1500 sponsorship which helped us pay for merch.

Not sure why you're so sour but hey, that's completely your choice.

I came to my conclusions when you claimed that 1, My band was melodeath 2, We were outdated and 3, You started acting sour for no reason.

Music doesn't have an expiry date last time I checked, you either like it or don't.

I hope whichever endeavors you venture into in life give you the success and memories you are looking for. Sorry you feel the need to try and bring mine down.

Good day.

AHHH Your singer sounds SUPER familiar.. pretty sure I test mastered a song for you guys over at and you never got back to me after that, or the thread ;)
AHHH Your singer sounds SUPER familiar.. pretty sure I test mastered a song for you guys over at and you never got back to me after that, or the thread ;)

Shit, sorry man! Osku made that thread and he's been going through a lot of exams etc atm, so after we got your test master we decided that while it was awesome, we just didn't have the funds to go through with it. I'm really surprised Osku didn't get back to you, he's always on top of that shit.

He's had a hell of a lot to deal with recently so really sorry for that man! Your master was fuckin' awesome though, we just couldn't afford it :( (unless I'm thinking of someone else? But we only received 2 masters back so I'm guessing you were one of them, and they were both decent masters).

Really sorry we didn't get back in contact with you buddy. Thanks for taking the time to master one of our tracks! Just a shame we ran out of cash after buying merch. Merch set us back over £1000 and our sponsorship was £1000+ which then went on plane tickets for Osku to fly over for tour etc.
Shit, sorry man! Osku made that thread and he's been going through a lot of exams etc atm, so after we got your test master we decided that while it was awesome, we just didn't have the funds to go through with it. I'm really surprised Osku didn't get back to you, he's always on top of that shit.

He's had a hell of a lot to deal with recently so really sorry for that man! Your master was fuckin' awesome though, we just couldn't afford it :( (unless I'm thinking of someone else? But we only received 2 masters back so I'm guessing you were one of them, and they were both decent masters).

Really sorry we didn't get back in contact with you buddy. Thanks for taking the time to master one of our tracks! Just a shame we ran out of cash after buying merch. Merch set us back over £1000 and our sponsorship was £1000+ which then went on plane tickets for Osku to fly over for tour etc.

Sure thing dude. I don't think I ever quoted you so it must have been someone else. But yeah, I sent a couple of PM's regarding it. ;) Maybe something to keep on top of. Nothing more annoying/ frustrating then bad communication :cool:
Sure thing dude. I don't think I ever quoted you so it must have been someone else. But yeah, I sent a couple of PM's regarding it. ;) Maybe something to keep on top of. Nothing more annoying/ frustrating then bad communication :cool:

Ahh well we only received one quote so you are the other guy then! I told Osku about it man he's sorting that shit out for you now :D

This is the first time EVER one of us has failed to communicate properly with regards to business. I can't apologize enough.

Anyway let's get this thread back on track!!! I still check the rate my mix thread, but like many others here have posted it definitely seems to be going stale. I still post there just on the off chance someone might check it it. But I don't hold my hopes very high.
I meanwhile just check the section if I see threads from some users here I know, just because I'm interested in their stuff.