Do you think "Harvest" would sound good with growls...?

Well, that's just an assumption... but the other thread form this user seems to prove that even if it's not her, it might be her disciple...
You don't mess with something as beautiful as Harvest. Yea while your at it lets give Michelangelo's David a bigger knob, and that ending for Star Wars Episode VI? Lets not have Darth turn good.

Actaully, that idea for Star Wars is much better! They created cinema's greatest villain and then "Hey George, think we should redeem Vadar in the end and total destroy the character?"

"Erm.....yea ok."
Our cover of Harvest was going to have "unclean vocals" in it. But it would have also had no guitars in it either. I think it would have worked, but I prefer the original by Opeth the way it is.
i dunno, go listen to uaral - niche and see for yourself