Celtik Militia said:ouais ya pas de soucic'est bien ce que je comptai faire.. et c'est le 29 mai.. ^^
almost, i was asking him if he was Wallonian, and if so, does he feel racially and culturally french or not at all.
but he didnt answerand thats something i actually seriously wanna know.
and that first part of my post was about voting "no" to the new european constitution. i hope we reject it! everything might be fucked up for the EU, things might finally change! yeeehaa!
personally i dont understand the constitution (how the fuck can any average european understand such a thing), weither its good or not.. i just want to fuck things up.. haha.
hahaha what the hell? its a thread about vocalists and you bring up someones diplomatic stats? talk about ADD...
you're okiedoer by me though.