Do you think will I ever find a man whose voice, at least is akin to Johan's?

Celtik Militia said:
ouais ya pas de souci ;) c'est bien ce que je comptai faire.. et c'est le 29 mai.. ^^

almost, i was asking him if he was Wallonian, and if so, does he feel racially and culturally french or not at all.
but he didnt answer :( and thats something i actually seriously wanna know.

and that first part of my post was about voting "no" to the new european constitution. i hope we reject it! everything might be fucked up for the EU, things might finally change! yeeehaa! :p
personally i dont understand the constitution (how the fuck can any average european understand such a thing), weither its good or not.. i just want to fuck things up.. haha.

hahaha what the hell? its a thread about vocalists and you bring up someones diplomatic stats? talk about ADD...

you're okiedoer by me though.
Celtik Militia said:
almost, i was asking him if he was Wallonian, and if so, does he feel racially and culturally french or not at all.
but he didnt answer :( and thats something i actually seriously wanna know.
Ah good question. I don't feel french, eventhough we have a common language.
The day Belgium explodes and the north goes independent, I would not mind being a french province with specific piveleges, much like the Loraine province, unless we feel strong enough to become a really small country.
Culturally, I feel really close to the northern french provinces such as Pas-de-Calais,... They have a lot in common with us both culturally and historically.

On the last point, yes I hope the french vote "no" on May 29th referendum.
Europe of 25 is already way too much, my ancestors did not fight for freedom to let Turkey enter Europe. When I hear stories of companies in my country offering their employees to relocate to eastern countries and get wages that are 10x lower than in Belgium ... it angers me, when I hear Spain wanting to legalize over 1 million illegal eastern europeans and north africans to boost their economy while their own people are on welfare, it angers me. This would be an open door to a repeat of history. We have been too nice for too long, you offer an helping hand and the next thing they want is cut off your arm. Sorry for my rant, but it pisses me off. Right now, it seems that only the french realize that the constitution is messed up.
yeah Belgar don't get me wrong. i love the fact that there are different accents.
i love the southern french accent for example and i hope it survives. i'm scared that the people will loose it cause of TV and all, where most people speak with a parisian/northern accent.

btw your last post saying "the rude ass "we are better than anybody else" parisian one" sounds like an american fuckhead. i'm shocked! :p
no actually all french in the province say the same thing ^^
In Skåne, which is a former danish part of sweden where I am from, many people kinda hate the people from Stockholm, sometimes even more than the foreigners, which is unfortunate for my brother because he has that accent, which I luckily don't.

Sometimes I wish the world had less prejudice!
Yeah, that is really stupid, because unfortunately, the bad blood goes both ways, and way back into history. I had a little cousin who grew up down south, and his mother used to give him endless crap every time his little mouth opened up and his r's didn't roll "right" (according to her - she was an actress, so to her it was importanat that he could speak "properly"), like they do in Stockholm. She used to belittle him for it, and compare my speech to his, as mine was clearly Stockholmska. It used to make me cringe. Our oldest Swedish heritage by far comes from Skåne. It is distinctly different from that of the rest of the country, right back to the stone age. It's fucked up to try to snuff out the difference now. It should be preserved and integrated, just like gutnish or älvmål, and need not be an issue. It's survived this way thus far without problems, so why fuck with it now. Then you end up with Quebec. Look how far that's got us. Talk about hard feelings!
The thing with Skåne hails from the fact that the province has such strong historical ties to Denmark that the Stockholm folks think of them as more Danish than Swedish, and in a lot of wars in ancient history the skåningar have prooved loyal to the Danes. If you think there are hard feelings towards the Skåningar, that's still peanuts compared to the Danes. There is an actual word for it, danskhat, and being assoicated with the Danes was not a good thing in the past. Then they've said they want to separate, just like the Quebecois, which annoys proud Swedes, who cannot understand why they don't want to be part of their excellent country, unless they think they are too good to be Swedish, which in itself is an offence. Then they offend them back by doing various just as nasty things. But the past needs to stay in the past. It's been centuries since there's been a Swedish-Danish war, and this bullshit still goes on. How can we possibly expect to preserve a heritage if we deny a part of it, and the oldest part of it at that?!