Doctor Who


Hell Bent For Leather!
Feb 23, 2002
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Anyone catch the start of the new series last night? I thought it was pretty damn good actually :D the Autons weren't very scary at all (I hate clips of them from the old series' :ill: ) and keeping everything condensed into a 45 minute episode made everything feel very safe. But I thought everything else was great. Reckon we got a cool new Doctor, Billie Piper wasn't actually bad as an assistant (this was the only thing I wasn't looking forward to beforehand) and I don't think I'd mind delaying the mishing to the pub by 45 mins for this.

Now to buy all the old series' :D
I haven't seen the new stuff (since I don't live in England or get BBC America here).

But if I can contribute something to this thread, it is this: Jon Pertwee was the best doctor ever!

And he made a cool scarecrow too. Ah, Wurzel Gummidge was the best.

Scarecrows are so metal:

It looks like it's going to be one-off episodes, which is a bit of a shame. I loved the cliffhangers in Genesis Of The Daleks....ooooooooooooohhhhhhh I want those eps so bad!

JayKeeley said:
But if I can contribute something to this thread, it is this: Jon Pertwee was the best doctor ever!

Just to be anal: Tom Baker! :D