Meet the New Doctor

Funny, they were my favourite doctors until Tennent.

The article mentioned that dud who played Tristan in All Creatures Great and Small as the youngest (I didn't like him very much at all)

How could you say such a thing? I thought he was great in All Creatures, although he did always seem to play dweeby roles afterwards.
I actually didn't mind him as The Doctor but coming after Tom Baker... man, what a legend to live up to!

This is where I think Matt Smith needs to be fucking INCREDIBLE to match up to David Tennant or he'll be the new Peter Davison - someone who is actually not a bad actor but entirely overshadowed by his predecessor.
Ahh, I remember rolling off the couch in laughter when he did the mad conductor routine in the pub in All Creatures.

Never saw him as the Doctor, I don't think, but I imagine it would have been a bit soggy.
I'd really describe David's Doctor as a cross between Peter Davison's youthfulness and nerdiness, crossed with Tom Baker's eccentricities with the darkness and menace that Chris Eccleston brought to the role in 2005. It's impressive that someone could pull off all of those very different characters at once in a single role, but I really think David has done that and done it well! :)