DoD Album cover revealed!!

Demonspell said:
The cover is ugly, and surely better things could have been done with that concept, and this is coming from someone who has no prejudices against computer generated art...but it's no worse than the FOTD cover!
What's so bad about the tree Eddie? At least it doesn't have bad CGI graphics o_O
It has been confirmed on that this is the actual cover of the new album.

All I have to say is I hope they don't expect any new fans through impulse buys.

It's fucking disgraceful.
trowel said:
i don't really care what the cover looks like,i'll be buying it for the music.if thats crap then i shall be complaining lots.

Of ocurse the music is the most important part but not the only important part. In my opinion, all aspects are important, including marketing and cover and all. It's all part of the artistic creation. You can have a cover that isn't a great drawing. Llike Metallica's black cover. That's good. But a shitty drawing or computer art is intollerable when there are so many talended artists in the world.

Those "people" in that cover look like the chaacters from legend of Zelda on the N64... When you have computer art like Gamma Ray and Edguy, how can Maiden put out this shit?