DoD Album cover revealed!!

Iron Maiden ROCKS! said:
and whoever said the eddie was exactly the same as something wild by CoB, isnt hatebreeder by CoB the same cover? oh yes and while i'm on the subject isnt follow the reaper by CoB the same cover.... oh yes i was going to say something else but i forgot...... *cough*hatecrewdeathroll*cough* ;)

i meant eddie's pose with his hand out in the same way:p
Ok, when talking about doing computer art, it's not that hard, but it's hard to come up with a good concept.
I just recently installed Photoshop 7 and this was my first artwork... (I know, nothing to do with the subject in hand, but anyway...)

The Icon Of Sin
That icon of sin thing is pretty awesome - that would really make a cool album cover!!


Anyway, back to the DoD cover...2 things.

1.Interesting Question...

If you could choose between buying the album with the current cover, or waiting for a later realease date and a re-designed cover, which would you choose?


There have been several suggestions on the offical IMBB that this cover is a hoax. Before you come back at me saying 'no it's on the official website' or whatever, let me just say...

I can really see where they're coming from. Yes, perhaps they are showing us the real cover, but hidden behind loads of shitty CGI! Think about it...the Eddie and the hooded monks visible in the background look painted, and very different to the CGI. Why cover these up with these images? Look how rushed the CGI figures look, and how they appear to be simple pasted on top of each other and on top of the background.

This suggests that Sanctuary got someone to create these quick images to just give the fans a taster of the real cover behind, and so as not to reveal it all straght away. It is obviously VERY deliberately made to look INTENTIONALLY bad, as no idiot could think these figures are at anything near today's standard of Computer Animation. Also, perhaps they did this just as a joke to themselves, and to see the relief when the real cover is released without the CGI freaks.

This sounds weird I know, but think about it. It makes sense.

I just desperately hope this is the case!!

I get the feeling Maiden were purposely trying to keep the people from looking too real. Just like the cartoonish-looking grave robber from the original No Prayer For The Dying cover (cut out later of course, because come on, what was Derek Riggs thinking?). Someone said this was the worst Maiden cover ever. So I'm assuming you think Virtual XI was better than this?

I would prefer something like a tribe of natives doing something like the Ghost Dance around a fire, with the face of Eddie appearing as shadows from the flames or something. But that would be too similar to the Wickerman concept. Like Wickerman Meets Run To The Hills :cool:
there is some indications this cover may be false... the masks were copied and pasted from a site (of a guy that designs masks) without permission... the models used are ALL the standart models that come with the PC program POSER... yes... the guy who draw that didnt even bothered SKINNING the models, or adding HAIR or anything... he just placed them in the cover... and added masks he found on the internet over their faces... look at the neck of the woman on the left... its BROKEN!!
AcesHigh said:
the masks were copied and pasted from a site (of a guy that designs masks) without permission...

To correct this. Madein do have permission to use the material from

It may be fucking lazy, but it is legal.
absolutly HORRENDOUS in the hell can they think that is a good cover aceshigh posted ..its stock models from POSER with no detail at all and stupid ass masks ..if they are this LAZY with the cover ...the music is prolly worse ..i have hope that maybe a few songs might kick some ass ....but this cover isnt helping me get excited
So, what do you think, guys. How's this drawing?
I say it's friggin AWESOME!
By IM BB'r "Moutchy", perhaps you've seen it.