Does anybody else Strongly Strongly Highly Strongly Dislike Kill Switch Engaged?

But truly, it is becoming a cheap argument about their "open" mind for some annoying people. "Look at me, im a proud poser who likes numetal and you are an old elitist fool who likes only metal" kinda arguments are really getting under my skin nowdays.
nick, what's wrong with hatebreed? they're one of my favorite acts at the moment. shut up. :lol:

Blah Hatebreed just isnt my cup of tea. Im not a fan of many hardcore bands. I find alot of the music to be redundant. So BLEH :p :p . Although I do like Undying, All Out War, Diecast, and afew others.

Nick(this day all gods die)
I'm not sure why anti-American rhetoric needs to be spouted here. The music business has always had opening bands that should have been headliners and vice versa. This isn't just an American phenomenon. Tours are built around album sales and what amount of cash a label is willing to put out to push the band. Hence, the order of the bands on the In Flames tour package. Booking tours aren't nearly as easy as some here would lead you to believe. The fact of the matter is this is a business. Having said that, Dark Tranquillity were incredible when I saw them in Springfield. The club owner talked about having them back as headliners, as the crowd was very much into them. Dark Tranquillity should be back to the USA shortly, as they are rumored to be touring with Arch Enemy.
@angry_jakes: as far as i know you can be open minded as fuck. i just wanted to point out the contradiction in your post: first you say ppl here is close minded if they say they don't like a band without giving reasons, then you do the same. i respect and might even agree with your views on any specific album or band, even if you just say they're shit, but please then don't go on telling us how we should be more articulate (than you) about it.

@misanthrope: you know i believe in group therapy. :)

@the metal master: since when saying dt don't have a wide enough fanbase in the states is making anti-american rethoric? a newbie from the states happens to accuse everyone of anti-americanism everytime the u.s.a. are mentioned, of late. i wonder if i posted a thread called "how i like the states" ppl would pop up saying the same. take it easier. if i'm speaking with a french about the price of chocolate and i tell him "you fucking french can't keep your fucking prices down" i'm not spouting anti-french rethoric.

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Blah Hatebreed just isnt my cup of tea. Im not a fan of many hardcore bands. I find alot of the music to be redundant. So BLEH :p :p . Although I do like Undying, All Out War, Diecast, and afew others.

Nick(this day all gods die)

Not to mention the fact that satisfaction is the death of desire is what 96 or something like that? the idiots took over half a decate to relase new material because they rather keep playing everywhere like spoiled little rockstars who think they dont need to do new songs from time to time.
Killswitch sucks hands down. And it is bullshit that they played after DT.../sigh...Once DT gets here on an American tour by themselves, they'll be back often I'd assume.

Speaking of hardcore...Earth Crisis is very good! Their lyrics aren't redundant either. They make sense!
@rahvin - This was a quote from a forum member earlier in this discourse - "But guess what? they are more popular for the average american idiot who goes to the gig, the mindless idiot that just wants catchy riffs." Average American idiot? Idiots are universal. Average Greek idiot? Average German idiot? If I said that would it not be considered an insult to those cultures? There was no need for an ad hominem attack there. As for your comment that "a newbie from the states happens to accuse everyone of anti-americanism everytime the u.s.a. are mentioned." is misguided. I try to respect all cultures and their customs. All I ask is for the same consideration. There is a mature way to discuss differing opinions. Calling people idiots is not mature, logical and or even a valid way to make an argument. It is nothing but argument by outrage. I made many salient points in my discourse, and it is interesting that you chose to focus on one line. As a world wide community, we should endeavor to understand one another and dispense with the childish generalizations. The fact of the matter is that Dark Tranquillity made the most of their first tour of the United States, and they seem destined for success there.
whats so fucking wrong about an average american idiot? or an average french idiot or an average swedish idiot for that matter? Just who the fuck do you think you are to come here and tell us that we no longer cant attack the average people of x country? Personally, i do as i please and i call anyone i fucking want an idiot, regardless of nationality or demographic status.
@the metal master: you're being preposterous. calling ppl idiots is sure a childish way to deal with problems, but it is in no way related to the country mentioned. you're constantly shifting from justifying your claim that "your average american idiot" is a nation-based offensive remark and the sanctimonious notion that everybody should rise above petty name-calling when discussing. well, forget about the second (it always happens anyway) and try to be a little more informed about the first. the very few ppl here who dislike americans didn't even take part in this discussion.

@ rahvin - Nothing preposterous about my comments. I just strive to achieve better understanding between different groups of people. Civility is the trademark of mature adults with well-developed ideas. If you feel that is preposterous and/or pompous, so be it.

@misanthrope - Just as you have the right to rant and make your displeasure known, I have the right to communicate my thoughts as well. Mature adults with at least adequate intellect discuss ideas when there is a difference of opinion, not resort to ad hominem attacks or argument by outrage.

Completely lost on the both of you were the salient points concerning Dark Tranquillity, a great veteran band that are about to break in the States. They are truly making the most of their exposure. Mikael Stanne is truly as class act, and we would all do well to follow his example. I bid you a good evening.
@misanthrope - Just as you have the right to rant and make your displeasure known, I have the right to communicate my thoughts as well. Mature adults with at least adequate intellect discuss ideas when there is a difference of opinion, not resort to ad hominem attacks or argument by outrage.

Your hypocrisy is beyond my patience, from know on deal with lesser beings, you are not allowed to speak in my presence.
Originally posted by The Metal Master
@ rahvin - Nothing preposterous about my comments. I just strive to achieve better understanding between different groups of people. Civility is the trademark of mature adults with well-developed ideas. If you feel that is preposterous and/or pompous, so be it.

if you weren't being preposterous i feel you're somehow confused or unwilling to address the issue in a straightforward way. general claims about the nature of meaningful interaction fail to reply on point to the opinion that no personal attack is implied when one says "your average [enter population] idiot", which was my only reason for debate to boot, and this not because i want to single out any marginal comment but since it was the part i disagreed with.
i might be interested in a lesson in communications, but not as a totally off-topic reply. in my view you just circumvent the issue at hand to repeatedly lecture ppl about maturity, or possibly netiquette. i already said what i think about discussing matters like grown-ups do and the impossibility to avoid offensive remarks altogether, so if you feel inclined to stress the point further, i've already run out of things to say.

Originally posted by rahvin
@berserker: it's not a matter of believing dt got they slot they got because the tour was in the states: since they're headlining wherever they go bar america, it seems pretty evident the reason is geographical. no logic mentioning an american headliner was brought up: what was suggested is dt do not have enough supporters in the states to guarantee a tour to themselves. of course they don't have a fanbase in china, and if you think real real hard you might understand this is why they never went there.
aside from that, if you want to go on on the lines of "my country beats the crap out of your country" you're welcome to entertain us, but this sure implies you have no right to insult the average intellect of anybody else.
and the reason offered for killswitch suckness - that i can't confirm nor disprove since i've never heard the band - were slightly more elaborate than the example you provided, and slightly more elaborate than your grammar-perfect dissing of mexico.

@angry_jakes: funny how you say most metalheads are close-minded and opinionated, then you go:

thank you for your vibrant and passionate argumentation. i suspect you're a true metal fan now. ;)

@the fall of babylon: let me get this straight: this thread is fucking annoying because you can't stand ppl saying a band you like is shit. and you don't care what any of us said. that's very... articulate, isn't it?


excuse me dude, but i think you didnt read what i said carefully at all, first of all, you bringing up the "my country can kick your countries ass" comment is NOT what i was talking about. if you read misanthropes posts, he is adament about "stupid americans", this is a blanket statement, and im simply pointing out that a citizen of mexico (in spite of him being a stupid individual or not) lives in a country that is considerably more packed with dip shits than the country he incesantly insults. is this an assanine claim? i think not. next issue: me bringing up china. this is to show that there are other places in the world where DT fans are few and far between, and that America isnt some weird ass DT black hole. also, it would be obvious that the purpose of my post was primarily to set some issues straight, not put in my input about whether or not KSE is good or not. quite frankly i think it would be totally banal to state any further opinion as it will not change anyones mind. im not out to get people to listen to the kind of music i like
@berserker: if i were to follow the criteria you mentioned in your earlier post, i should avoid making further comments on account of your misspelling "asinine".
let's add to this that your evaluation of "dip shits" quantity might not be universally shared and what i see is the issues you set straight are that insulting ppl living in other countries is becoming everybody's privilege.
as i said previously i've never heard killswitch engine so i have no opinion on the band. i'm sure there are many good reasons why they got to play after dt on the american tour, and i'm sure if dt had more fans in america the situation would have been different.

if i choose to say - i won't, but let's say i do - that "stupid italians" are not doing enough to support my favourite band, i'm not saying i hate all italians. give ppl a break and try to see through at least the basic verbal expressions without assuming the world's against you. and no, i don't mean against you americans, i mean against you berserkers (or other heroes of might and magic iv level 1 creature ;) ).
