A/B/Y switch. Does it degrade signal?

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I was wondering if an A/B/Y switch degrades signal at all and here is why:

I want to run a guitar into both input 1 (instroment level) direct and a toneport.

Obvisouly the goal being that input one is going to get reamped. But my question is: by splitting the guitar level in 2 will I have signal loss? Does it matter?
You won't lose signal as long as you keep the cables short. And don't buy a cheap one either, they hum like crazy.
Well because it was stated that it was better to go inst level input on my firepod than go through a DI then into a mic preamp on the firepod.

I just bought the reamp v.2 and I have currently have 3 ideas/methods I can use to obtain the DI signal (and I would like to have the best/least noise possible)

1: Go through my DI (no through output option unfortunatly, it's a simple DI) into a mic pre on the firepod, the downside is I don't know how I would use an amp or amp sim this way without getting a different DI box.

2: Get an A/B/Y switch and run that into both the firepod inst in and toneport.

3: Just plug strait into the toneport and use it's integrated DI send in gearbox (send 3-4 witch comes before all processing). This is the best option in that it is the cheapest, but I dunno how good it is since I have only done some shitty reamping this way.
Why not just run the guitar straight into the firepod instrument in. Since you need to hear an amp of some sort while you record the DI, just use a plugin that sounds decent like amplitube and monitor it while you record..... You have a pretty stout machine, monitoring latency shouldn't be an issue for you
The TonePort isn't a very good DI, but the difference you're looking for probably isn't very significant. However, I don't use the TonePort for a DI, because I have access to better methods.

When I need to use a TonePort for monitoring, I run the guitar directly into the interface DI, then use an output of the interface into a Redeye > TonePort and back into the DAW. With Low-Latency monitoring enabled, it works just fine with almost zero latency. I get the monitoring signal without any latency and the DI without compromise.