Line-level vs Direct guitar/reamp - shoot-out planned


Apr 27, 2009
Sollentuna, Sweden
I'm going to try and see if there really is a need for 'reamp'-boxes when using EMG-equipped guitars.
So: Do guitar amps see a difference between:

1 guitar with EMG 81 plugged directly into the amp
1 line-level signal from my Fireface 400, going into the same amp input.

The chains will be the following:

A. Guitar -> ENGL E530 front input. Then ENGL line out -> line in on fireface
B. Guitar -> Fireface instrument input -> FF Line out -> ENGL E530 AUX-input (rear input - same as front input). Then ENGL line out -> line in of fireface

So basically, B will be a guitar recorded via the fireface and then played directly out on another line level output, through the ENGL and back in.

The point is to see if there really is a difference in the final recorded signal.

I'll have to play the guitar two separate times. One direct into engl, and one direct into fireface.

The questions I have are:

1. What types of techniques should I play to highlight differences (if any)?
- Palm muting, harmonics, pinch harmonics, chords?
2. What settings on the ENGL?
- High gain? Clean?
Of course, it would also be interesting to hear someone that has a reamp-box do a comparison between using the reamp box vs just going line-out.
Eek, from all I've heard if you don't use a re-amp box the signal is WAYYYY too hot and really noisy and squelchy, and since the signal is so much lower impedance than the amp is expecting I'm not sure how realistically it'd respond (if you want it to sound like there's actually a guitar plugged in I mean, and I assume you do ;)) But fuck it, give it a shot!
Well.. as far as I can hear from my testing this far, I can't really tell any difference.. That's why I'm checking to see if there are any special techniques that show of the 'flaw' better than normal metal riffing :)

I'll just play a bit and see if you can hear the difference :)
Oooh, nice riff choice :D And I'm definitely gonna guess the first one is your bootleg re-amp, sounds harsher! (or maybe the second sounds muffled, I dunno, either way there's def. a difference!) This is the same guitar take, right?
Oh crap, well that makes it harder to decide then. Still, just get a Radial ProRMP and be done with it! :D
I can't test recording with the guitar plugged into the ENGL if I'm reamping a recorded take, now can I? ;-)

I'll investigate which device to buy.. or maybe go the DIY-route...
Well if you had a separate DI box you could ;) (guitar in, inst. thru to the Engl, XLR out to interface) But I guess you just have the inst. in on your Fireface
Ehh.. Btw - I kind of forgot to mention that i run the 'line out' signal of the ENGL through an impulse.. but I'm using the same impulse for all tracks, so... :)

And.. Am I hearing things, or does it sound like there are 2 signals in mp3 number 2? Like a short delay kind of 'fake double-tracking'? What did I do with that one? :-/
Oh well.. since there doesn't seem to be an overwhelming interest:

1. Guitar direct into ENGL
2. Guitar into fireface -> out into ENGL -> back into fireface
3. As said, same as 2 but lower output volume going into the ENGL.

At least there is a difference that's clearly audible. So yes - there is a reason you (and i) might want to get a reamp box :D