Does anybody know about guitar heads?


Homesick Recordings
Aug 12, 2010
London, UK
I have just been given a Marshall JCM800 2210 head and a matching 2x12 cab :D its a relic form the 80's aha

any one who uses real amps whats the best tubes i could get for it for a general metal sound for recording and live?

obv i need to have a tube screamer in front or something to boost the gain, but i dont have a clue what tubes will be best for it.

To be honest with you man I wouldn't know, I have only ever used solid state amps. I need to have the wiring looked at too as it cracks when I turn the knobs on it and also it seems to almost cut out when I was playing earlier sorta scooped the volume if that makes sense. But it had been in a cupboard for 5 years and Not turned on or touched
Ah ok, thanks for your help guys. Did look on google for like decent tubes for high gain stuff but nothing really helped. Would for example you have the 6l6s then el34s or are they both the same type of tube? Like both pre or both power
EL34's are what is considered "English" power tubes and 6L6's are "American" power tubes. This comes from way back and that's why Marshall/Orange/Vox and other originally English made tube amps usually have EL34's and Fender/Peavey/Mesa and other originally American made heads have 6L6's. Nowadays modern amps can use both, but if unsure, check the manual.
normally, heads that are el34 tubed cant use 6l6's. unless there is a selector switch, like mesa recto's for example. you can switch between tubes all day if you want. But I dont think marshall has that.
Ahh ok all that info clears a lot up! Sorry if I posted this thread in the wrong part but it is for recording purposes too. Also another thing what pedal do you guys Favour on your chain the tube screamer, the maxon equivalent or the boss equivalent.